Finance Project Reflection

Core competency Reflection

I know the group is working well together when i see everyone collaborating and critical thinking towards contributing towards the project.

one strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is when i critical think and see how to solve a question/problem in to giving the right answer and making sure i go over the same question/problem again in order to understand it.

My strategies for collecting relevant information to specific tasks include making the information that i have researched is true instead of it being false also making sure it relates to the task and answers the question.

My Goal

The goal i need to work on mostly when i need to boost my mood or re focus i feel as if i am not focused enough in class and i get distracted very easily i need to work on this way more in order to get my work done more efficiently it play a crucial role in my school work and improving my focus towards my assignments i feel would make huge difference by benefiting me more.

Creative Writing 10

My Writing

As an active listener, I notice that that i can pay attention when the teacher is talking and make sure that the instructions that are given to me can be applied and executed well in my work and I also pay attention to detail.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in my work I always make sure to see my decisions or my evidence before i can use it my work because analyze what judgement or decision before i put it in my i need to make sure that these judgements or decision will be good and i need to see they would be any consequences or errors in my work

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include making sure that it isn’t false information that would affect my work in any way possible so i make sure to analyze this information before i can use it. Another one would be checking if it is plagiarized from any source because plagiarizing from another source can end up in a lot of consequences. And i finally make sure to give credit to the source i took the information from because you need to cite your work.

A spanish speaking country

Puerto Rico

Comparison to your home country

Puerto Rico compared to my country Kenya is two different lives when it comes to culture traditions music art and holidays is very different in my country we have alot of holidays in a year and we have alot of world renowned land marks and the wildlife that is there is on the another level we have quite alot sports also like soccer and ground hockey and more. we have a very beautiful coast blue oceans and clear with living a life of luxury that with alot of 5 star hotels and food is also amazing there.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal. i demonstrated this by working with others during any given group projects i gave my share of work and worked along very well while being assigned any work and also being fare to others

i ask and respond to questions to be an active listener. i did this by paying attention in class when the teacher is talking. i ask questions when i am confused or maybe if i do not understand what is going on.

i participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class. i did this by working with others in any activities given in class.

i take on roles and responsibilities in a group. i work well in a group when given work and i do my share we make sure everyone is given a fair amount of work.

What is one goal you have for yourself going forward ? Identify one of the i can statements that you can intend on working towards.

i can apply constructive strategies. i would to work on this more often and see how strategize how i can work better when given assignments.

Social Awareness and Responsibility

My Texts

Core Competency Reflection

What are you good at?

I am good at some sports which i have mastered over time, i am also good at fixing mechanical parts when it comes to engines and i am also good at video games

Describe something you really liked in the work you did. What made it special for you?

i like drawing the mane and shading it because it is satisfying. it was special for me because it is an animal that i have seen in real life many times and instead of just seeing it you draw it from you head was what made it special.

How have you experiences, family history, heritage and/or peers helped shape who you are today

my experiences that i have mostly learnt from is my parents because they have taught me numerous thing like how to be respectful to one or other and to be calm and basic manners that’s why i am who i am today

How do you make good decisions? what influences your decision’s

i make good decisions by before making them i will see and do my research if they are going to be good for me and see if the research is valid enough to make that decision then and if i am sure about it then i will take it. Sometimes my parents or my brother will influence these decisions thats what influences at times

What makes me unique?

i am unique because i like to do things differently than others and i am also an adventurous person i love going to scenic views and admiring the view that is why i am unique.

Social Awareness and Responsibility

My Texts

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I give my self more work and try to understand the work more and finish the objective of the work that has been assigned.

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, playing video games or doing any fun outside activities work for me because this distracts me from what ever I was frustrated at I can just be focused somewhere else. This helps me be more productive or calm.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as getting good grades, I treats my self to something nice like a nice lunch for my self and others or I spoil myself sometimes by buying things towards my satisfaction

My strengths as a is to contribute to my community the classroom because I make sure that my work is handed in and I participate in any classroom activities to make sure i have class participation

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I… i would say this statement because i need to be more time proficient toward working in class and this will be to achieve in working skills during class. i will do this by trying to stay of my phone during class time and pay attention more when instructions are going on and notes been given.