A spanish speaking country

Puerto Rico


Comparison to your home country

Puerto Rico compared to my country Kenya is two different lives when it comes to culture traditions music art and holidays is very different in my country we have alot of holidays in a year and we have alot of world renowned land marks and the wildlife that is there is on the another level we have quite alot sports also like soccer and ground hockey and more. we have a very beautiful coast blue oceans and clear with living a life of luxury that with alot of 5 star hotels and food is also amazing there.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal. i demonstrated this by working with others during any given group projects i gave my share of work and worked along very well while being assigned any work and also being fare to others

i ask and respond to questions to be an active listener. i did this by paying attention in class when the teacher is talking. i ask questions when i am confused or maybe if i do not understand what is going on.

i participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class. i did this by working with others in any activities given in class.

i take on roles and responsibilities in a group. i work well in a group when given work and i do my share we make sure everyone is given a fair amount of work.

What is one goal you have for yourself going forward ? Identify one of the i can statements that you can intend on working towards.

i can apply constructive strategies. i would to work on this more often and see how strategize how i can work better when given assignments.