Social Studies 10 Core Competency Edublog Reflection

Critical and Reflective Thinking

What is the role of the citizen of Canada? Explain the role of the citizen in the community and the nation, and as a member of the world community.

the role of a citizen in Canada is to follow the law express ones opinions freely while respecting the rights and freedoms of others. To help those in your community, for example, through volunteering. To take responsibility to also protect then environment. 

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

when i need to analyze evidence to make judgements i make sure to see the evidence then look at it very closely to see where now i can put that into a judgement and also look at it in a another perspective then after all of that i will put the information i have into the judgement and finally go over it one more time and if it good i will make the judgement.

Career Life Education Core Competency Edublog Reflection

Critical and Reflective Thinking.

Do I look for personal relationships that confirm or challenge my beliefs, values, and ideas? Why?

yes, because i like to see my challenges to see if i can correct them i make no longer a challenge to me anymore i like also looking at my beliefs to see valid toward me or anything i use it for also i see my values to appreciate what i have with me i what i have i can works with. i also like make interesting ideas to see if they perform very well onto what i use them for.

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them.

what i do to analyze my beliefs are i will put them into a perspective and see how they would work see what doesn’t make sense or what can be improved in them and i will also see what doesn’t just make sense in them or doesn’t fit in.

 Core Competency Goals

my goals

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include critical thinking this helps me when ever i have class work that requires critical thinking towards my classwork which helps me because i am always ready for questions given on the spot

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is i make sure that i can analyze what i need to imagine by looking at examples which triggers my brain into another perspective into seeing what it actually is.

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is how to analyze and see the significance of that thing or object whilst looking at it and seeing it from another perspective in my head and taking notes the points that i have seen about it to make more clear to me

Advertisement and Persuasion

My Advertisemet

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

This advertisement was made to show a new big reliable convenience store with the loads of products available for purchase at our store. we showed our sales of our products and how much percent is of for those products that we sell. The advertisement is trying to get people to shop at our store and not other stores. To buy our products because they are a higher quality then our competitors. We made our add eye catching towards the audience, so it looks tempting to them to buy. We put an X on the other stores to show them that they suck. We showed them our reward points system

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. In my power point I put together everything I learned in an organized presentation. I presented on topics of interest and topics related to my work ethics. In my group we presented on our convenience store and products which was something i liked. In work with In group efforts with my group. we worked together to complete our project. In my group in this project I made sure everyone was included. everyone was well behaved including me and everyone took time and made this ad spectacular.