Transforming Parabolas

A / Parent Function / Y=X²
B / Wider Opening Up / Y=1/4X²
C / Thinner Opening Down / Y=-4X²
D / Shifted Right / Y=2(X-3)²
E / Shifted Down / Y=-1/5X²-3

A,H and K all variables within a parabola can greatly change the shape or placement of the parabola, these variables all hold a specific function, (A) is commonly seen as a whole number or a fraction, if (A) if greater than 1 or less then negative 1 it will make said parabola thinner, alternatively if it is anything of a fraction the parabola will get thinner. H and K are similar in a way where they both shift the placement of the vertex, just on different axis. If you were to change H the parabola would shift horizontally on the graph along the X axis, if you were to change K the parabola would shift vertically along the Y axis. when making my graphs i took this into account to know what to change and how to change it so it matched the requirements. The parent function is simple enough not having any of the variables to change. For my other parabolas starting with B i had to make it wider so i inserted a fraction in the A spot of the function (Y=A(X-H)²+K). For Parabola C i had to not only make it thinner but i had to flip it upside down, to do this i had to make a negative number and it could not be a fraction so i chose -4 as if i were to make it a number greater than one it would still be facing upwards. For parabola D which needed to be shifted to the right i changed the H of the function to a 3 which shows as a negative 3 because within the function (Y=A(X-H)²+K) the H variable is always opposite thanks to the square. For my final parabola i had to shift it downwards which means my K value needed to be a negative of any Real Number so i chose -3.

Self Assessment
1.I Represented the same mathematical Idea in multiple ways within the function as all parabolas follow the same base function and every time i changed that i was changing the same function and making many unique parabolas
2. Variables, Parabola, Function, Fraction, Greater then, Less then, Vertex, X/Y Axis, Graph.
3. I think i have a well put together format for my edublog the title is clear and bold, i’ve organised the different sections of the assignment separate and accordingly, numbering my questions and listing my parabolas in an organised fashion.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Collaborating- an experience of collaboration for me was during our lab, testing bromothymol blue, red/blue litmus and some other chemicals and bases. I think this project was really hands on and required you to collaborate and communicate with your partner, having to figure out roles/who would do what. It also requires communication to make sure we didn’t mess anything up because the chemicals we had could be dangerous if they were to for example get in someone’s eyes