June 20 2024

My Inquiry About Time Travel

Inquiry Reflection:

– I stayed up till 1am, getting all the animations done the night before. I added more slides since my first presentation.  

– I actually had fun presenting my inquiry.  

– I’m glad that at least three people found the animations helpful. As I’ve mentioned before, pictures help me understand things.  

– Time travel is hard to explain without drawing diagrams, so my first idea was to have a whiteboard behind me, and I draw things in real time. Then I figured out how to draw and animate on powerpoint, so I used that instead. I think that was a good idea because then I wouldn’t have to worry about thinking what I’m drawing next.  

– I forgot to bring my Time-Turner necklace and my mini telescope, but that’s ok. I had the TARDIS and Flux Capacitor models.  

– While presenting, I tried to not speak quickly, because I usually talk very fast when I’m talking about something I’m passionate about.  

Core Competencies:

Communication – Making the animations to explain
Creativity – The topic of time travel.
April 17 2024

Drafting and Design 11 Self Assessment


This is is the birdhouse assignment. It was to get us familiar with the controls in Fusion360. I added a flower because I wanted to.

Core Competency Stuff:

Creative Thinking – Making a flower, then mirroring it so it’s on both sides of the roof.

Communication – I understood the assignment, and if I was stuck, I would look for help in YouTube tutorials. The next step would be to ask for help.

Critical Thinking – “I can experiment with different ways of doing things”