Leadership Core Competency Reflection

Critical and Reflective Thinking

What is one Leadership quality you possess?

A leadership quality I possess is the ability to collaborate efficiently and effectively with others. I’m easily able to include the perspectives and opinions of others I’m working with in order to achieve a common goal. Because I’m a part of various clubs around the school it’s important for me to be able to work with others so everyone’s voices can be heard. An example where I could demonstrate that quality would be in Leadership, VOX, grad committee, or HACC (Health and Cancer Care). I believe that in order to complete a task everyone must be involved somehow so I really enjoy engaging with others to see how they would do a task and how we can combine our ideas to work for us all. That would also be important in many events both around the school and community.

What is one Leadership skill you possess?

A leadership skill I possess, which I also feel is one of the most important ones is communication. Being able to communicate with yourself and others is so important especially in a group of multiple people with different views and perspectives on things. Having effective communication makes tasks a lot easier and you’re able to get things done in a way that makes most people happy. Communication can be simply discussing, planning, or organizing events or tasks but without it the job is much more difficult. Communicating helps people express themselves and their ideas and also listen to the ideas and thoughts of others as well.

What is one Leadership quality you would like to develop by the end of this course?

A leadership quality I hope to develop by the end of this course is courage. As much as I always stand up for myself and what I believe in, I sometimes find myself putting others’ voices above my own when they should really be equal. Courage is a continual quality that I would have to continuously work towards but little steps could help me. A really simple way would be to participate within classes, discussions, and meetings more, but also not forgetting to stop and listen to others whilst trying to build on that quality at the same time.

What is one Leadership skill you would like to develop by the end of this course?

A leadership skill I’d like to have by the end of the course is better delegation. Although I’m still able to do it now, I find it difficult at times to hand off work to others without knowing how it’ll go. As a result of that I often give myself more work than I can handle or at least more than the rest of a group I’m in. I believe that I partially do that to help others but I know a part of me also enjoys having that sense of control or knowing what’s going on with an event or task. I don’t think I need to fully develop this skill from the start I just need to further develop the skill in order to make it a stronger skill that I have.

I can encourage others to share their voice and value diverse perspectives. 

I’ve always been an advocate for others as well as their thoughts, views, opinions, and perspectives because everyone sees things differently. That can be for a multitude of different situations and experiences. Because of that I always encourage people to use their voices even if they are quiet or shy because everyone’s opinions still hold value regardless of if they want to overtly express them or not.


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