Social Justice Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical reflective thinking is about analyzing and interpreting information I already know and coming up with reasonable conclusion, judgment or plans. With this assignment I had to analyze and interpret two images in order to answer the following questions. The two images are about adopting Indigenous children, and by using my past knowledge I know that the two images are much more sinister than they look. I roughly know the time period when these two images are created and since I am learning about sixty scoop, I know that the images are racially motivated. Using these knowledge and I came to a conclusion that this was another attempt from Canadian government to wipe out Indigenous society. The sixty scoop was an event were thousands of Indigenous children are taken from their parents, and transfer them to white parents hoping that they would be white washed. Not only the two images are an advertisement for the sixty scoop, they are also propaganda. They portraited the Indigenous parents as incompetent people who are not responsible enough to take care of their child, and the Indigenous children are happy to be with white parents instead of their own. This is a brief summary of what I have written on the assignment, and I came to this conclusion by using critical reflective thinking.


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