My Tribute Costume

About Me 

Hello my name is Amber. Some values to me are art, music, theatre, dance, friends, family and our culture/world. 

I started dance when I was 3, and have done theatre since I was in grade 4. Me and my sister both do theatre and love to sing, which is something we bond over. I also love playing guitar and music is very important to me. It helps me with almost everything and I can always use it as a tool. Me and my dad bond over our love for music. 

Art is also one of my passions. I’ve been doing art since I can remember and I now sell some of my work. I love drawing real life people and animal drawings. Lots of my family and friends have asked me to draw their pets, or themselves.  

 My whole family and I travel to Osoyoos and Whistler every year. Osoyoos is my favourite place to be, and the best memories are always made with my family there. I like keeping traditions and always strive to create new ones with family and friends.  

Some things I would use to describe me are passionate, sympathetic, empathetic, inspired, motivated, dedicated, visual learner, artistic, creative, kind, welcoming, shy, quiet, to my self, understanding, serious, realistic, negative sometimes, thoughtful, and giving.  

Something innovative about my costume is my dress and its colour. It’s an interesting green in my opinion. While working on my costume, I thought about some of my favourite colours and my vibe in terms of clothes. I’m kind of an easy-going person and am not very intense in my day-to-day life so I went for a flowy dress with wings. Something I like the most about my costume is the converse shoes because though the dress represents dressing up, I’m also very casual and like to mix formal clothes with street wear sometimes. Next time I could improve on making my character more colourful and intriguing to look at. Creatively, I learned that when creating a person, I try to math the features to myself as well as possible and I like to be realistic with my designs and drawings.