Core Competency Reflection

My Future

In the future, I want to become an electrician or something to do with technology. I like to mess around with computers and think it would be a good field for me to work in. I’m going to try to get into BCIT and take the intro to electronics course. I’m still a bit unsure if this is really what I want to do but I think this is going to be a great fit for me. Therefore I am going to stay with this current path unless/until I decide that this is not for me.

Core Competency Reflection

I can tell the difference between facts and opinions. I chose this one because it is important to know the difference between a fact and an opinion. I can demonstrate this by thinking if the statement is true, or just something I agree/disagree with.

I deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. I like to learn about things regarding technology such as the hardware and software on computers, or about certain video games. One idea that popped into my head is the idea that social media is just a way of companies to find out what you like, so they can advertise more effectively to you. “Social media apps/sites try to gather as much information on you while also trying to keep you on the platform so they can make sure you see the app/site as a positive so they can gather more data” is what I believe to be true.

I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use this to develop my ideas. Things like this happen a lot in video games, where there’s a boss you need to fight and you have to defeat it in a certain way. It often takes a few attempts to learn how to boss works, and how you can defeat it. With every time I fail, I learn something new and use the knowledge of what happened on my next attempt.

I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. I am trying to work on asking open-ended questions to gather information. The questions I usually closed-ended and can be answered by a simple “yes” or “no”. I’m going to try to word my questions in ways where I can get information while still having a discussion.