Core compentency self assessment

Through this artifact I showed my collaboration skills. As during this lab I had to coordinate with my group mate to insure we were being time efficient, when setting up the lab and going through the procedure. i also had to collaborate with them to make sure we hadn’t miss a single step, ensuring that we had the right procedure.Additionally, i had to measure out the amount of oxcilc acid to create a successful titration with my group mate we had to measure out the rest of the chemicals to make sure the lab went smoothly

R3 Japan’s Judicial System

Justice means that the right person is accused and convicted of a crime. Additionally, nobody would be held in jail from false allegations which is common in Japan. The treatment of convicts seems unfair to the accused as they can be held for twenty three days consecutively and additional time if they continue to add more charges. Moreover, they are have limited access to their lawyers while being held and are unable to have them present during interrogations. Lastly if they are denied medical attention even if it was known before being held. Compared to the treatment convicts get in Canada, where they are able to freely speak to their lawyers along with limited time being held in jail. My previous ideas of Japan have changed as I knew their crime rates were very low, but I thought that it was due to the culture of japan being different. Not due to the high conviction rates they had. Japans ideas of justice heavily influences the type of anime they create, as they believe the right person will always prevail if they are truely in the right.


i don’t believe that horoscopes, blood types determine what traits people have. when they are accurate i think they are just coincidences and don’t have any correlation. Throughout my life i have not been faces any prejudice or blood harassment due to my blood type or my horoscope. I think these fortunes are still popular because it’s an old tradition, similar to old folklore. Additionally, the older generations could be passing down this knowledge down. One superstition i have is that when i study i do better on my tests. This has happened a lot to me, so i have begun to do this more often as it brought great luck to mid luck on most tests or quizzes

Independent studying

Through Japanese 11 I was able to to remember most of the vocab before the test along with some of the grammar points for the unit tests, which is what I was able to do well in. I could improve my study habits by outlining a time during my day and completely dedicate it to my studies.

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about are the unit booklets. These were my main way of studying for any tests or completing any of my assignments. I learned a lot from them as they were my primary source for Japanese knowledge.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I reached out to friends to clear up some questions I had through the course or I would speak to my teacher and student helper. Additionally, I made sure to look through my unit booklet which held much information on what I needed to know in order to complete a task.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as completing my final project with my group mates, I decided to also complete my fifth unit along with hand in my self reflection for the final project. With the completion of the final it had motivated me to finally get it done and handed in.

Over the year I will continue my Japanese language acquisition by watching anime and possibly reading the rest of the manga I did for my book report.

If I could travel back in time, the advice I would give myself is to look at the questions during a test so that I wouldnt think it was asking for te-form when it was actually asking for potential. For others I would recommend to complete all there work on time so that nothing gets stacked onto them.

Connecting media and psychological disorder mind map reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I demonstrated this competency by clearly laying out all the information in a mind map, having labeled each section.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I demonstrated this by listening to and reading the lyrics of the song, then picking out quotes that had psychological perspectives and connecting them to one and other.

I inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies. I demonstrated this competency by using one of my favourite artists as my media source in my project. Connecting psychological disorders to the lyrics in the song

Core competency Self assessment

Collaboration- I can work with others to achieve a goal

In this lab my groupmates and I collaborated together to see the diffusion of of glucose, starch, Iki and water. We communicated with one and other during the setup process for the lab, where we had to follow the instructions, to have the lab to achieve the diffusion. I had to collaborate with my partner so that we didn’t miss a important step, insuring that the lab would be a success. Furthermore, after the diffusion was completed we had to communicate the results with each other to complete the observations and conclusion portion of the lab, sharing the details of what the solution inside the beaker looked like and the effects it had on the membrane itself. Additionally we had to discuss the evidence that water had diffused across the membrane in our lab in order to complete the observations.

Critical and reflective thinking- I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

During this lab, I had to analyze the diffusion of glucose, starch, Iki and water. After the lab was completed I had to answer the observation questions along with writing a conclusion. For the observation questions I had to analyze what had happened during the lab and explain what had been diffused. When writing the conclusion I had to look at all the data and come to conclusion of what had happened during this lab.

Research assignment reflection

Collaborating: The core competency I demonstrated with the research assignment was collaboration. During the research assignment I spoke with the rest of my group and thought about a hunch we could all agree on. Then we had to generate ideas on which questions we should ask on our survey together. Furthermore, we collaborated on finishing off the question sheet where we had to create a excel spread sheet that presented our mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Once that was finished we had to answer the rest of the question and create a conclusion with our results. We completed this assignment through working as a group and speaking together, sharing thoughts to answer the list of questions we had.

First peoples english 11

my writing

Core competency reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this. I have demonstrated this in my essays, where I had to make changes to my next essay to make it better and with less errors in it. I looked back at my old essays and saw what i had done wrong and used that to make changes in my next essay.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see the whole group speaking to each other about the subject at hand. Another cue is when we are all contributing to the project by editing the presentation or helping formulating ideas for the slides.

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I was reading “where the blood mixes”. When i first began I was reading the book through a literal view and not a more metaphoric view, which I needed to in order to complete the work.

One goal i have is is to work on When I need to boost my mood or re-focus. Im focusing on this goal because it is difficult to refocus once i have been distracted. To achieve this goal Im going to schedule breaks so that i dont get carried away while not being burnt out