Independent studying

Through Japanese 11 I was able to to remember most of the vocab before the test along with some of the grammar points for the unit tests, which is what I was able to do well in. I could improve my study habits by outlining a time during my day and completely dedicate it to my studies.

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about are the unit booklets. These were my main way of studying for any tests or completing any of my assignments. I learned a lot from them as they were my primary source for Japanese knowledge.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I reached out to friends to clear up some questions I had through the course or I would speak to my teacher and student helper. Additionally, I made sure to look through my unit booklet which held much information on what I needed to know in order to complete a task.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as completing my final project with my group mates, I decided to also complete my fifth unit along with hand in my self reflection for the final project. With the completion of the final it had motivated me to finally get it done and handed in.

Over the year I will continue my Japanese language acquisition by watching anime and possibly reading the rest of the manga I did for my book report.

If I could travel back in time, the advice I would give myself is to look at the questions during a test so that I wouldnt think it was asking for te-form when it was actually asking for potential. For others I would recommend to complete all there work on time so that nothing gets stacked onto them.

Rself study

I watched youtube videos well, which had helped me understand sentence structure in Japanese greatly. I mainly watched the Shiro videos in the teams chat. I can improve my Japanese studying habits is by creating a set time i will be working or studying so that i wont get distracted or get pulled away from anything else. An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is when i had spent two days watching over the Shiro videos and writing down all the examples given in the video, in order to become better at writing in Japanese. I am so curious about how i can speak or write more complicated sentences that I am excited to learn more about how I could understand more about the structure of sentences to make it even better. I will continue my Japanese language acquisition over the course of the year by never completely stopping doing Japanese and try to write a couple sentences a week. If i could travel back in time I would tell myself that it is important to remember the vocabulary from the past units even if i already finished them. I would also include that descriptions of objects come before the item because I messed that up prior on the test.