Research Assignment Reflection


Collaborating: I work with others to achieve a goal. Throughout the course of this task, our group encountered multiple occasions where we needed to work together and communicate in order to achieve our common goal. The brainstorming phase while we were formulating ideas for our survey questions was an illustration of our teamwork. Throughout this process, it became clear that we not only had the ability to create unique project ideas but also to craft meaningful and relevant survey questions based on the concepts we had developed. This encounter highlighted our team’s joint creative problem-solving abilities.

Another significant instance demonstrating our collaborative talents occurred when we were charged with answering discussion questions based on the results of our survey. In this scenario, each member of our group was responsible for answering specific questions, ensuring that the labor was evenly distributed among the three of us. This strategy demonstrated our dedication to equity in teamwork as well as our ability to split duties efficiently for maximum efficiency.

In both of these cases, our ability to successfully interact was critical to the success of our endeavor. We were able to not only collaborate well but also use our own abilities to the benefit of the entire team. Such moments of teamwork not only improved the overall quality of our work but also built a deeper sense of togetherness inside our group, resulting in a more fruitful and satisfying collaborative experience.

Communicating: I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it to. When answering the discussion questions about the survey results, one of the times that dramatically demonstrated my ability to explain the work I had produced was when I addressed the discussion questions. During this step, I made a conscious effort to react to these concerns in a way that not only made logical sense but also presented our findings thoroughly, displaying my ability to successfully convey the research findings to our audience. This method demonstrated my ability to articulate and analyse the facts we had gathered, ensuring that the relevance of our work was not only obvious but also accessible to the reader.

Another example is while creating survey questions. I had to consider who these questions were aimed at and craft queries that would make sense to them. Because I knew my questions would be answered by high school students, I made sure they weren’t too complicated or about topics that high school students wouldn’t be familiar with.


Creative Thinking: I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. One prominent instance of critical thinking throughout this task was when our group was brainstorming ideas for survey themes and particular questions to pose in order to collect significant data. At this point, I took the initiative to come up with unique and innovative ideas for our task. My critical thinking abilities were crucial in visualizing a variety of themes and generating questions that effectively addressed the fundamental objectives of our study.

However, I recognized the value of teamwork and the enrichment that other viewpoints brought to the table. I actively solicited advice and comments from my group members in a cooperative atmosphere. Their suggestions and comments were really helpful in refining and improving my first concepts. We collectively improved and fine-tuned the thoughts and questions through productive discussions and a process of reciprocal critique. This collaborative approach not only improved the overall quality of our survey, but it also served as a compelling illustration of the harmony that results from combining individual critical thinking with group collaborative dynamics, ultimately laying the groundwork for a more insightful and informative assignment.


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