Spanish 10 Core Competency Reflection


My artifact is a script from my unit 4 conversation project with my partner

This showed collaboration because we had never worked on a project together before and needed to put both of our ideas into one project. Sharing ideas was easy because we were both open to what the other had to say. It was easy to consider roles and responsibilities because there were only 2 of us, we could split the work evenly. I think that having a common goal made communication easier too.

Horizontal and Vertical Lines

Vertical Lines

All vertical lines will have the equation “x= something”

All vertical lines will have an undefined slope. Because they only go up and don’t have a horizontal change, their slope is considered undefined.

No vertical lines will be functions.

For example, this is “x=-2”

Horizontal Lines

All horizontal lines will have the equation “y= something”

All horizontal lines will have a 0 slope. Horizontal lines have a 0 slope because they don’t go up at all, so using rise over run wouldn’t work.

They are all functions.

For example, this is “y=6”

Domain and Range

Domain is the set of x-values in a function, and range is the set of y values in a function.