Innovation Timeline


  1. I knew the information I got was reliable because I made sure it was a website with research behind the facts there.
  2. I choose to display my learning with Sway because it is easy to use and I like how it looks. Yes it fits the criteria.
  3. Yes I am satisfied with my project.
  4. I would spend more time with designing the look of the presentation to fit the theme better.

What’s the Word Around Town?- Banff


  1. Yes I was able to find the environmental issue with no problems. I found it by looking at the news.
  2. I thought that if there was something was blocking the fire from the town, then it would help save the houses and people in that town.
  3. Yes I am satisfied with my design and solution.
  4. I would spend more time on the thinking of more ways to prevent fires from happening.