My Digital Footprint

When I searched my name up, I didn’t find anything related to me. I wasn’t surprised by this because I have all my social media accounts of private settings. Since all of my social media accounts are private it helps me control how much of my personal information is shared to the public. My existing digital footprint won’t have much of an effect on future opportunities considering I don’t have much of a digital footprint. If a post-secondary school, I have applied for looks at my digital footprint they won’t find much unless it is my Instagram account but it is on private settings. My current digital footprint would not affect my future opportunities like job and career prospects because there isn’t much there or available for the public to see.

Innovation Timeline


  1. I knew the information I got was reliable because I made sure it was a website with research behind the facts there.
  2. I choose to display my learning with Sway because it is easy to use and I like how it looks. Yes it fits the criteria.
  3. Yes I am satisfied with my project.
  4. I would spend more time with designing the look of the presentation to fit the theme better.

What’s the Word Around Town?- Banff


  1. Yes I was able to find the environmental issue with no problems. I found it by looking at the news.
  2. I thought that if there was something was blocking the fire from the town, then it would help save the houses and people in that town.
  3. Yes I am satisfied with my design and solution.
  4. I would spend more time on the thinking of more ways to prevent fires from happening.