Building My Future-Cost Based Analysis

About the Project

I made 3 scenarios for my future and analyzed the costs of it. I thought about my career like which university I am going to, where I am going to live, and what job I am going to have. After thinking about future scenarios and figuring out the costs, I decided the best scenario for me and reflected on it.

Core Competency Reflection

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head.

I researched about the universities I was considering going to and programs related to accounting, and learned about new accounting programs that gave me an idea to make a new scenario.

I can inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies.

I searched about programs, universities, and exams related to business and how I can use those to help with my accounting career and my final job.

I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.

I presented my scenarios and talked about how going into university will be my way of life. I got my future career of accounting from taking the courses, and learning how the job is and what I have to do get the job from my dad and researching about it.

I can imagine and work towards change in myself and in the world.

When I researched about the universities and its course requirements, I learned I have to take business, socials, and hard math classes. For my course selection, I thought about those requirements and chose my courses to fit the requirements for UT and UBC.

One goal I have for myself / I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation.

Once I choose a way for me to work or have a specific goal, I only think of that one and I do not think of other possible answers. I’ll take more time to research and think about using other ways to approach a situation.

Curricular Competency Reflection

I thought about multiple scenarios and how I would live my life . I did heavy research on costs, universities, accounting programs, and every item that might be included in my scenario. I analyzed the costs and found out the most efficient costs for my future and the most effective way to get to my main career. I used many different websites to arrive to my conclusion and made sure it satisfied me.


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