Computer Programming 11 Self Assessment

Smart Search Bot

For our last assignment, we were required to make a program that asks the user what category they wish to search in and give them 3 choices. It should then sort the data based on that category and display the top 10. I used the knowledge from the Top 5 assignment to complete this code. But I struggled quite a bit because I ran into many problems such as the ‘uft-8’ encoding not working and the excel sheet not being formatted correctly. I repeatedly ran into errors due of this and I was frustrated that my code didn’t work. After much trial and error, and many google searches, I eventually researched how to get around these problems and implemented it into my code. I feel I have learnt a lot of new things after completing this assignment. I think my code is well written and robust and does a good job communicating with programmer notes, algorithm and docstrings.

I can statements

  • I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries (CREATIVE THINKING)
  • I can monitor my progress and adjust my actions to make sure I achieve what I want (CRITICAL THINKING)
  • I can clarify problems, consider alternatives, and evaluate strategies (SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY)

Computer Programming 11 Self-Assessment

In Unit 4, we learnt many new coding concepts. For this assignment, “show off”, we were required to use 4 out of 8 of the coding concepts and create an application. At first, I found it challenging to figure out how I could incorporate 4 of the concepts. I was also not very clear on how all of them worked. After trial and error, I had settled on an idea. At this point, I had tried all the coding concepts and my understanding of them greatly improved. Although we did not learn how to use custom modules in this unit, I decided to include it to challenge myself. I think my code is well written and I do a good job of communicating with coding comments, algorithm and docstrings.

I can statements

  • I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests (CREATIVE THINKING)
  • I can monitor my progress and adjust my actions to make sure I achieve what I want (CRITICAL THINKING)
  • I can experiment with different ways of doing something (CRITICAL THINKING)