My Parabola


a shows the compression or expansion of the parabola. it also describes weather the parabola opens upwards (+) or downwards(-). a also changes the value of y.


h tells how many units the vertex shifts horizontally right (+) left (-).


k tells how many units the vertex shifts vertically up(+) down(-)

Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in three different ways?

I used the same mathematical idea by explaining what k,h and a are for a math equation. Then i explained what my values were for k,h and a and how they affect my problem. Then i created a graph with my parabola and then explained what was happening in my graph and how it was different from the other graph.

Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding

In this assignment i used math vocabulary like Horizontal and Vertical which described the way my parabola were shifting. I also used words like Compression and expansion which were talking about the parabola.

Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way

I used matching colours for the definitions and i laid it out all neatly on Desmos.


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