Pre calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Committing To Individual Practice

During this semester a lot of independent work was required in order to achieve higher marks. All though i did get my work done and do minimal review before tests, this wasn’t enough. This chapter 8 test had a more positive outcome for me because i really buckled down and did some preparation. If i were to change one this for next year it would be to really try right from the start and give it my all

Learning and using math vocabulary

Before this semester started, i hadn’t done any sort of math practice for about a year. I came into this course with an open mind and a goal to get another successful outcome like grade 10. How ever grade 11 was a whole different ball game with many more limits type problems and less of standard equations. I really had to adapt towards this new lingo and new ways to still manage to be successful, even though i’m battling and uphill battle. Overall, i think my math language and ways of strategically thinking and problem solving had really improved over this course and i hope to apply it towards math 11.

Advice for grade 10’s

My advice towards pre cal 11 is really have an opened mind, don’t get mad over little hiccups or struggles you may have. Always ask for help because i can assure you, you won’t be able to achieve a high mark without asking questions.

Transforming Parabolas

Parent function

My parabola

Desmos graph

A, H, K explained

The significance of A (-2) in my equation shows you what the slope is, expressed that my parabola was not a wide graph because my variable number was not close to 0, and the (-) symbol expressed that it is opening downward. The addition of H (-6) in my equation expressed that my parabola started at +6 along the x axis, which in other terms is the Y coordinate in my vertex (1,6). K in my equation represents how far the equation has been shifted up or down on the y-axis. K (1) expresses that the parabola starts shifted upward 1 on the Y axis and represents the Y coordinate for my vertex.

Self Assessment

Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways?

For this assignment, I represented the same mathematical idea a couple times when I had a parabola equation to represent my problem numerically by substituting specific values of a, b, and c into the quadratic formula to find the roots of the equation. And graphically by plotting the quadratic function on a graph and identifying the vertex and the slope for my graph.

Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.

A time where I used mathematically vocabulary for this assignment was up above in my A, H, K explained section. I broke down the significance of each letter and their functions in a parabola. this demonstrated my under standing by showing that I have a solid grasp on the individual components of the equation, and each coefficients function.

Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.

During this assignment, I displayed my information in a clear and organized way by colour coating my parent function and parabola equation to my graph. I used certain headings and titles to allow for easy navigation, and bolding headings for displaying a contrast of separate information.

Science Core Competency Self-Assessment


My artifact: Results of my Unknown acids and bases lab

I used the collaboration core competency for my acids and bases lab. Communicating each step and by evenly splitting the amount of work toll, we were able to clean up faster and get more mixtures in a shorter amount of time. We shared ideas for problem solving organization so we have to do less clean up every time we finished a set of mextures. The strategy we used was a prediction method where we would not have to read each step along the way, but instead repeat each step for different acids and bases. We would predict what colour the mixtures would make each time and we were 99% right. i could maybe try and keep our work space a bit more tidy fr next lab.

Choose Your Own Adventure Story: The Crash

  • Describe what your project is about and how to use it. What program did you use to create your design? 

My group and I created an adventure and action filled interactive story, using twine. Our story is about this kid, whose plane has crashed. You can then choose is you want to have an adventure in an African plane, or a jungle filled with creepy crawlies.

How did you communicate with one another? How did you listen to one another’s ideas and provide one another feedback? 

Our group was able to make important decisions about our story timeline, and if one of us did not agree, we would take their option into consideration.

  • What were your responsibilities in the group and how did you make sure each member contributed to the design?  

I was the one mostly creating the story line, but we would give individual jobs like: eric would do sounds, Jayden would do pictures, and Mathew would type it.

  • How well did you work as a group? Did you use time efficiently together?

We all have good friendships with one another, which made our work process more enjoyable. We also, finished the project using 3 class times which is pretty good. 

  • How were decisions made? Did you face any problems—if yes, how did you solve them? 

Once again, we all would bring up topics, or ideas to evolve our story. Even if we all had different ideas, we would narrow it down to one, or try and combined a few.

  • Were you satisfied with the final product? How could you improve on this process for next time?  

I am somewhat satisfied with the final product but, sense Eric missed 1 workday, it was kind of hard to give him a job which would equalize his portion of the project. I think we could of assign jobs before even starting the project which would have made Eric’s part clearer.