What’s the Word Around Town?

My Map: https://maphub.net/bigmon/winter-in-osoyoos

Review questions

  1. Was I able to identify how the geography impact the town with ease? How was I able to find how the physical geography impacted these areas?

Yes.  I was able to identify how the geography impacted the town.  I was able to do this quite easily by researching the Okanagan Valley and reading about how it was formed.  I also looked at maps showing me where it is situated in BC.

  • How did the technology personally affect my learning? What were the pros and cons of using maphub.com? Be detailed in your response here.

Technology affected my learning in a positive way.  I was able to research different topics on lots of different sites and open different tabs to compare information.  This was the first time I used MapHub and what I liked about it is that it is interactive.  You can import data and organize your information well.  You can also connect and colour code information about the same topic on the map, so you can visually see how many different topics there are. One con of using MapHub is that it doesn’t autosave.  I ended up losing crucial information because of that.

  • Were you satisfied with the result of your design and solutions? 

     Yes.  I am satisfied with the result of my design and solutions.  I tried to put a lot of detail in my explanations.  I supported by reasons with researched information.

  • How would you refine your assignment in the future?

In the future, I would select a town or city that is not in BC, so that I could learn more about a location that I am not familiar with.  Also, I would “chunk” my assignment more and do it in pieces so that the work is easier to manage.








#wordaroundtown #socials9 #ADL #Purdy