Crucible  Author Miller 

This essay’s goal is to talk about the play The Crucible. We will talk specifically about the characters in The Crucible that act suspiciously. The only way to explain and comprehend this behaviour is to apply Kolberg’s moral precepts. Kolberg specifically offers three different explanations of the viewpoints people adopt that influence how they behave. Pre-conventional behaviour, conventional behaviour, and post-conventional behaviour are these three types. People take into account all three categories when determining how to behave in a certain circumstance. If we understand the consideration and action, we will be able to better understand the character. 

There are characters in the Crucible the behave in a certain way to best describe them as pre conventional. Pre conventional is when you behave is a certain was to obtain reward and ovoid punishment. The first example of a pre conventional character is Tituba. Here, Tituba’s slave master has put the pressure on her to confess by telling her that he “will take [her] out and whip [her] to death” if she does not. There are beliefs here as seen that Tituba is in relation with the devil and now must lie to avoid punishment. The next character to behave in a way that places them into pre conventional is john proctor. John has committed letctury with Abigail Williams and is now considering confession. He states that “[he’ll] think on it” as he is trying to avoid a lifetime of punishment from God and or death from the court. The final character to display pre conventional acts is Goody Osborn. While on trial, all hell breaks loose between the girls, and Goody Osborn screams at the judges that “[She] saw Sarah good with the devil.” Throwing Sarah under the bust while also trying to relay all the attention to her to be exempt from the accusations of witchcraft and being in contact with the devil. You can see from the examples provided that the crucible has many characters that behave in a way to avoid punishment and obtain reward. 

There are many characters found in the Crucible that are conventional. Conventional behaviour is when you behave in a certain way to fit into a group and achieve group acceptance. Firstly, the character Danforth shows conventional actions when he states that “A person is either with this court or he must be counted against it there is no in between!” Danforth is explaining to the audience that you can either join in with the system or against it which defines conventional. The next character to behave in a conventional way is Revern Parris. He says that “they will howl me out of Salem for such corruption in my house!” Mr. Parris is the minister of Salem and while having authority over majority of people, he still feels that the community will turn on him if he stays in relation with suspicious activity. The final character to act in a certain way to achieve group acceptance is Reverend Hale. Hale emphasizes that “Theology” “is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small.” Hale refers to the conventional belief in the authority of religious precepts and the importance of upholding theological principles, even in the face of doubt. As you can see from the examples provided that the crucible had many characters that behave in a certain way to fit into society and achieve acceptance.  

Characters like Giles Corey, Reverend Hale, and John Proctor show post-conventional behavior. Post-conventional characters behave in a way that adheres to their set morals and values regardless of punishment, reward, or group acceptance. The first character that shows post conventional characteristics is Giles Corey. Whilst getting stoned to death, he taunts the court be saying “more weight” Gile is stating his refusal to capitulate to the authority of the court and his commitment to his principles, even at the cost of his life. The second person to Adhere to post-conventional attributes is Reverend Hale. After seeing the devastating consequences of the witch trials, including the wrongful convictions and executions of innocent people Hale says out of anger “there is blood on [his] head, can you not see the blood on [his] head.” The final act of post-conventional ways is from john proctor when he says, “[he] has given [them] [his] soul; leave [him] [his] name” Proctor’s insistence on preserving his name, his reputation, and his integrity, even in the face of death, displays a post-conventional moral stance. Therefore all these characters show how the follow their morals and values regardless of punishment, reward, or group acceptance. 

In conclusion, it is evident that Kohlberg’s moral precepts have been a valued tool in allowing the reader to achieve a better understanding of characteristics in the crucible. It has also demonstrated why individuals behave the way they do when faced with certain situations. When taking into consideration, pre-conventional behavior makes characters act in a way to obtain reward and avoid punishment. Conventional behaviour makes characters act in a way to receive acceptance from a group and post-conventional makes characters stick to their values regardless of punishment, reward.

Facing a Challenge

This problem was difficult for me to resolve for the first time since I didn’t finish a few steps, such as multiplying binominals and isolating the root on one side. I frequently asked for the help of my teacher, who guided me through the proper measures for resolving this issue. Before returning to this equation, I practised on a few more. I got the answer the second time. I’ll keep the steps in mind and use them towards the final test. or where ever these steps are repeated throughout the chapter.

Pre calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Committing To Individual Practice

During this semester a lot of independent work was required in order to achieve higher marks. All though i did get my work done and do minimal review before tests, this wasn’t enough. This chapter 8 test had a more positive outcome for me because i really buckled down and did some preparation. If i were to change one this for next year it would be to really try right from the start and give it my all

Learning and using math vocabulary

Before this semester started, i hadn’t done any sort of math practice for about a year. I came into this course with an open mind and a goal to get another successful outcome like grade 10. How ever grade 11 was a whole different ball game with many more limits type problems and less of standard equations. I really had to adapt towards this new lingo and new ways to still manage to be successful, even though i’m battling and uphill battle. Overall, i think my math language and ways of strategically thinking and problem solving had really improved over this course and i hope to apply it towards math 11.

Advice for grade 10’s

My advice towards pre cal 11 is really have an opened mind, don’t get mad over little hiccups or struggles you may have. Always ask for help because i can assure you, you won’t be able to achieve a high mark without asking questions.

Core Competency Reflection Chem 11

Titration final solution


During this Lab, my partner and I discussed each step before hand so we wouldn’t make and possible student errors, and complete the lab in a short amount of time. Our results from our lab shows reflects that our planning had been successful and had created a lab where only Systematic errors where present. My partner and I had not only discussed our plan, but ran it through a practice lab to double check our work. We each had our own responibilities sense we each had to do our own lab checks. next time, I would improve on our lack of staying focus the entire lab.

Transforming Parabolas

Parent function

My parabola

Desmos graph

A, H, K explained

The significance of A (-2) in my equation shows you what the slope is, expressed that my parabola was not a wide graph because my variable number was not close to 0, and the (-) symbol expressed that it is opening downward. The addition of H (-6) in my equation expressed that my parabola started at +6 along the x axis, which in other terms is the Y coordinate in my vertex (1,6). K in my equation represents how far the equation has been shifted up or down on the y-axis. K (1) expresses that the parabola starts shifted upward 1 on the Y axis and represents the Y coordinate for my vertex.

Self Assessment

Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways?

For this assignment, I represented the same mathematical idea a couple times when I had a parabola equation to represent my problem numerically by substituting specific values of a, b, and c into the quadratic formula to find the roots of the equation. And graphically by plotting the quadratic function on a graph and identifying the vertex and the slope for my graph.

Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.

A time where I used mathematically vocabulary for this assignment was up above in my A, H, K explained section. I broke down the significance of each letter and their functions in a parabola. this demonstrated my under standing by showing that I have a solid grasp on the individual components of the equation, and each coefficients function.

Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.

During this assignment, I displayed my information in a clear and organized way by colour coating my parent function and parabola equation to my graph. I used certain headings and titles to allow for easy navigation, and bolding headings for displaying a contrast of separate information.

Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self Assesment

I demonstrated that I can collect and analyze evidence when I recorded how many licorice pieces i could grab under 40 seconds. I demonstrated that I can connect evidence I collected to big ideas when I completed the reflection questions connecting this lab to real life examples of natural selection and survival of the fittest. I demonstrated that I can make predictions based on evidence when I travel into nature. I can predict what the outcomes of certain events will be in the wild.

Facing a Challenge

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because I forgot to include many steps like multiplying binominals, and isolating the root on to one side. I asked for constant help from my teacher, which guided me through the correct steps of solving this problem. I then practiced on a couple more equations before coming back to this one. the 2nd time around, I solved it. Next time i come across a problem like this i will remember the steps involved, and implement them.