Instruments – Guitar – Final Reflection

Country Roads by John Denver

Curricular Competencies

I have been on and off with guitar for the past 6-7 Years. As I played it when I was young, stopped playing it while I grew up, then came back to play it in school. I demonstrated aspects of improvement over the course as it eventually got easier to switch from chord to chord, especially playing the barre chords I even got the hand of power chords. Each class we had learned something new to use in our playing skills, like power chords, platonic scale, and more and more songs. For guitar as a whole, I plan to just play it as a hobby as my work choice will be the sheet metal industry.


I collaborate well with my peers, as when we played songs together, I can take my role on quite well. Strategies we came up with to help with our miscommunication were to have some sort of a beat to keep up on track, or even just practicing parts we can’t do well, together so it becomes easier to play them.

Critical Thinking

I demonstrated critical thinking by the ways I solve problems. So, for guitar, a problem was keeping pace with everyone, or the song. So I leave out some chords, then once I get better, I start playing them in the song. I usually tap my foot to get the flow of the song, as to stay in beat. I used feedback to improve upon my skills, as I take criticism as a structural thing, meaning I have room to improve.

Personal Awareness and responsibility

I showed these skills as I am, for the most part, a punctual person, meaning I am on time and ready to learn for class. Some strategies I used to monitor my learning, is setting goals, or playing songs I found difficult. I did all that to see if they got easier or if thy are about the same feeling as before.

Core Competencies – Socials Studies

  Core CompetencyJapanese-Canadian Internment & Paragraph 

                  You have researched the treatment of Japanese-Canadians in British Columbia and Canada after the fall of Hong Kong and attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. To do this, you visited various stations with pictures of the treatment of Japanese-Canadians both in Vancouver and the internment research by discussing in groups the pros and cons of putting the Japanese-Canadians into prison camps during the war. From there, you wrote a paragraph on your opinion strictly of internment of these people during the war and from the present day perspective-1941.

Now, you are to examine the following core competencies and check off any three you think you  have learned, used and accomplished. Put a check mark in the corresponding circle: 

I did analyze evidence from the research I did and made judgements.

  I now understand and can appreciate diverse perspectives on issues and can resolve problems effectively, and responsibly. 

I now understand that my identity is made up of many interconnected elements of Japanese- Canadian internment.

Core Competency Self-Assessment Science 10

Critical/Reflective Thinking – Unknown Acids & Bases lab

I demonstrate my Critical thinking skills from when mixing acids and bases with other chemicals to decipher their pH levels, I connected the colour changes of the chemicals with where it was on the pH scale to determine if it is an acid, or a base. Such as in the artifact I chose. (Unknown Acids & bases lab.) Since science is a critical thinking course, I think did well with the lab as a problem solver since figuring out what was an acid or base lies in what was given in the chemical changes.

Vertical and Horizontal Lines.

By Matthew

Slopes and their equations.


Undefined and Zero slopes are vertical and horizontal, (Zero slopes being horizontal and Undefined slopes being vertical). The equations for said slopes are as follows:

Zero Slope, Any value over 0.

Slope of Horizontal Line - Definition & Examples - Expii

Undefined Slope, Any value under 0.

Slope of Vertical Line - Definition & Examples - Expii


Positive and Negative slopes are the up and down lines. Positive slopes go up, Negative slopes go down. The equation is Rise over Run.

Positive Slope, The slope (4/2) is positive, so the line goes up. As for a positive slope, the rise is 4 and the run is 2.

Graphing Equations: Slope | SparkNotes

Negative Slope, The slope (-4/3) is negative, so the line goes down. As for a negative slope, the rise is -4 and the run is 3.

Graphing Equations: Slope | SparkNotes

Domain and Range.

Domain is the X values, Range is the Y values. for example (3,1) the Domain is 3, the Range is 1. The X value is always in front of the Y value when doing coordinate pairs.

(5,2) (-2,4) (1,-8) (-3,-5)

Domain and Range also have a play with Functions. As if there is two X values that are the same, ex (3,-5) and (3,6) it is NOT a function. But if there is two Y values that are the same, ex (2,6) and (-5,6) it IS

My Digital Footprint

Create a positive digital footprint

I used Microsoft Paint. The design is like a banner that you hang from the roof. I didn’t use a reference for the art piece.

Personal/Social Competency Reflection

I know that both negative and positive consequences can come from your digital footprint. The more bad stuff you do online such has share nudes or other things, can affect how you get a job and life itself. I made ethical online choices so I avoid any job application complications. I have many strategies for staying safe online. The main ones I chose would be: if you have a problem with cyberbullies, make a mental note and take screenshots of how bad it gets, then get an adult or parent to help you deal with it, but if you can’t, then just block the bullies and log off where you are for a few hours. Searching for stuff online can be a hassle especially when spam emails and ads that could track you, give you viruses or steal personal information lurk around the internet, you can simply avoid them by only going to trusted ads or ones you know for certain they are normal ads.

My American Revolution Flipbook

Media Fluency Reflection

A. How was the ease of access in building your flipbook, despite this being the free and limited version of the software?

Instead of using flipsnack, I used powerpoint, its easier for me to use and I know how to use it.

B. Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment?


C. What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” American Revolution flipbook?

I mainly just searched up what I needed, it would say in a little description box.

D. Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Did you use another software instead? Explain.

I used powerpoint to make my flipbook as I find it easier to use.


Link to my powerpoint:

About Me

My Bio….

My name is Matthew, I am a grade 9 student at Centennial Secondary School and some words that describe me are kind, caring, funny and artistic. My best subject is Art. French and science are some of my other strong subjects.

My favorite website is:

I chose Youtube because you can find so many vidos of things you like on it such as lego, minecraft, transformers, installations of paint/software and cooking.

My favorite video is “Transformers The Movie” Optimus VS Megatron.

I chose this because it is from my favorite cartoon from when i was a kid in grades 1 – 3.

My favorite quote is:

“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” Bob Ross. 29/10/1942— 4/6/1995.

I chose this quote because Bob Ross is the one who initially got me into art because of his painting videos on TV.

I chose this photo because its of my dog on the grooming table my mom got in the summer, but the thing is…… he doesn’t like it.

References I used:,