Vertical and Horizontal Lines.

By Matthew

Slopes and their equations.


Undefined and Zero slopes are vertical and horizontal, (Zero slopes being horizontal and Undefined slopes being vertical). The equations for said slopes are as follows:

Zero Slope, Any value over 0.

Slope of Horizontal Line - Definition & Examples - Expii

Undefined Slope, Any value under 0.

Slope of Vertical Line - Definition & Examples - Expii


Positive and Negative slopes are the up and down lines. Positive slopes go up, Negative slopes go down. The equation is Rise over Run.

Positive Slope, The slope (4/2) is positive, so the line goes up. As for a positive slope, the rise is 4 and the run is 2.

Graphing Equations: Slope | SparkNotes

Negative Slope, The slope (-4/3) is negative, so the line goes down. As for a negative slope, the rise is -4 and the run is 3.

Graphing Equations: Slope | SparkNotes

Domain and Range.

Domain is the X values, Range is the Y values. for example (3,1) the Domain is 3, the Range is 1. The X value is always in front of the Y value when doing coordinate pairs.

(5,2) (-2,4) (1,-8) (-3,-5)

Domain and Range also have a play with Functions. As if there is two X values that are the same, ex (3,-5) and (3,6) it is NOT a function. But if there is two Y values that are the same, ex (2,6) and (-5,6) it IS