French Movie Poster Edublog Collaboration

My French movie poster on the movie Wall-E


Completing my French Movie Poster demonstrated my collaboration core competency. I had to work cooperatively with my partner for this project to be a success. We did many parts of the project together and some parts we did separately. like how I printed out the characters and how my partner did parts of the summary. We did work together on parts like the verbal presentation and the duration and showings.

Computer Programming Self-Assesment Reflection

My fractal exercise

In Unit 4, we learned many new and interesting topics related to coding in python. One of the hardest ones was recursion. It was so challenging for me because it really challenges my logical process. I had to use Critical Thinking to constructively understand and implement this topic into my fractal. There was also Creative Thinking involved too. I had to find a way for my code to be unique and different from the examples given. I made a hexagon instead of a similar shape.

I Can Statements

  • I can create criteria for evaluating design options
  • I make my ideas work or I change what I am doing