Communication Core Competency

Eggs Benedict

My eggs Benedict lab relates to the core competency “communication” as not only does it reflect communication, but also collaboration between my partner and I. The eggs Benedict lab reflects communication in many different ways. One example of communication during this lab was when we asked each other questions and get a detailed and informative responses. One of the questions that could be asked for example are “should I put this in yet?” Or “did you already put this ingredient in?” These may sound like simple questions but sometimes they could be the difference between success and failure. This lab reflects collaboration in many different ways as well. One example of collaboration in this lab is my partner and I had two different roles and were working to the best of our abilities to succeed at both of them. What I mean by this is one of us went and got the ingredients for the eggs Benedict, and the other one stayed in the kitchen and got everything ready for when we started cooking.