Chemistry 12 Lab 19C

Core Competency Collaboration

For this lab19C, the goal was to figure out the approximate Ksp value for PbI2 by mixing various concentrations of solution. My partner and I collaborated well to set up quickly and effectively. We each took a different solution (one had Pb(NO3)2 and the other had KI). We split the water so we could fill up our test tubes faster but with accuracy. Our immediate results showed a precipitate formed in 4/6 test tubes with the precipitate gradually getting lighter. We then had one person watching our test tubes heat up while the other started cleaning our leftover supplies. We communicated well to ensure we were both at the same step and kept our station organized by labelling anything we could as to not mix up any solutions. Our collaboration skills were vital to the success of this lab as if we didn’t collaborate there was no way to finish on time.

Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

Learning and using Math vocabulary:

This semester in math I learned a lot of new mathematic vocabulary and it was very helpful in the course. It was especially helpful for understanding new concepts in our notes and applying the vocabulary to workbook questions, tests and quizzes. I found the vocabulary to be most beneficial in group work. Explaining concepts that others did not fully understand using the vocabulary made them understand it easier. Since they also knew what the words meant or had some form of understanding.

Working collaboratively with others:

We did a lot of group work this semester especially with white boards. It was a useful time to collaborate and communicate about the math questions we had. I thought it was beneficial for understanding since you are all working together to solve problems you all have never done before. It was also good to work with and around challenges to stay on task so we could complete them on time. We also technically had group work when doing our workbook questions or practice sheets. If there was a hard question myself or my group was stuck on we would talk about it and problem solve the best way to solve the problem. Which gave us as a group a more clear understanding.

Managing time effectively:

Time management is vital to any course if you want to be successful, this course was no different. The best example of this was studying and that was seen in many different ways. For me finishing and correctly completing workbook questions so you can have the best understanding of the previous topic before moving onto the next was very helpful. Taking time on your own to read the notes before a test as well as do extra practice as needed. This can all be achieved especially if you set multiple days aside for review so you don’t have to cram the night before. Setting up a plan and using in class time as well will be very helpful in your time management.

Advice for Future Students

My advice for future students would be stay on top of your workbook questions and don’t let them pile up. It becomes a chain reaction of constantly trying to catch up. Also, if you don’t do well on your first test don’t freak out about it, just put in more work to do better on the next one. You should also ask questions if you are confused at any point in time to a teacher or a peer whether you are learning notes, group work, workbook questions or assignments.

Transforming Parabolas

Parent Function:

Vertex: (0,0)

Axis of symmetry: x=0

X intercept(s): (0,0)

Y intercept(s): (0,0)

Domain: All Real Numbers

Range: y≥0

Minimum Value: 0

My Equation:

Vertex: (4,2)

Axis of symmetry: x=4

X intercept(s): N/A

Y intercept(s): (0,50)

Domain: All Real Numbers

Range: y≥2

Minimum Value: 2


How my equation differs from the parent function.

My equation has a few transformations that differ from the parent function. First my equation has a vertical shift up two. This can be seen in the photo since the vertex has a y value of 2. It can be seen in my equation by looking at the k value (+2). My equation also has a horizontal shift, this can be seen in the photo since the x value of the vertex is 4. Even though in my equation it is -4 the sign flips since in the preliminary equation it is (x-h) and you can’t have two negatives side by side. Since h starts negative then the -4 turns positive. My parabola is also compressed compared to the parent function. This is because my equation has an a value of 3. This is the coefficient which effects the width of the parabola.

Self Assessment:

1. Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways?

I used the graph from Desmos as a visual representation. Each equation had their own photo and one together for comparison. I also wrote out the characteristics of each parabola below their photo to show differences numerically. Then I wrote and described in a paragraph how the two were different.

2. Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.

I used mathematical vocabulary in this assignment when I was describing the characteristics of the parabolas. (Vertex, axis of symmetry, x intercept, y intercept, domain, range, minimum value.) I also used it in my paragraph. (Transformation, parent function, vertical shift, horizontal shift, preliminary equation, parabola, compressed, coefficient.)

3. Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.

I used headings and kept everything in order with the rubric. I kept my graphs to an appropriate size. I made my paragraphs evenly spaced.

Spanish Dialogue Self-Reflection

This was the first spanish 11 dialogue I’ve done and it went pretty well. My group and I did well to add lots of emotion and gestures to our script. We had some grammar mistakes in our script like forgetting accents or mis-conjugating the words. But, I think we used our creative thinking skills with our story line and added funny and interesting elements. We communicated with each other what we wanted to say, how we wanted to act it out. We bounced ideas off each other and developed a fun script to present to the class. Making sure it included all the elements that needed to be in there.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact:

This is my notes from our novel study for the Marrow Thieves which I shared in my Lit Circles

Curricular Competencies Reflection:

Create and Communicate: This assignment reflects the Create and Communicate competency because I read the chapters of the book and took notes. Then in our Lit Circles I communicated my thoughts and opinions with a small group. I also asked for other peoples opinions so we could build and create new ideas and connections together. I took these ideas and connected them to others ideas as well like themes of the course and to the text. I also connected the themes of the book to real life Indigenous issues and mainstream issues as well. Which helps relate the book to real life.

Core Competency Reflection: Communication

For this artifact I used the competency communication because that is how I communicated my opinions to the group. I spoke in an organized and concise way and I improved over the four different lit circles. With communication I think listening is also a part of communication because you need to listen to others to have a good discussion. Both of these skills I utilized in the lit circles so my group and I could be successful. This helped me make meaningful connections with my group members about the book.

Favourite Recipe

Smoothie Bowl with Homemade Granola

Making and Sharing Reflection

My favourite recipe I have made so far this year was the Smoothie Bowls with Homemade Granola. Creating this recipe was fun because we could get inspired by other people with their designs. I am happy with how my smoothie bowl design turned out because it looked colourful and had a very pintrest-like appearance. My group and I worked well to come up with different ideas of flavour combinations to make for our smoothies. We also combined ideas to make our own granola going back and forth between ideas. I gathered feedback from peers and received that our granola got a little more toasty than we would’ve liked. But that was a learning moment so next time we will cook it for less time. In conclusion I would make the smoothie bowl and granola again just try out some new flavour combinations since it is such a versatile recipe.

“Create food product, incorporating feedback from self, others, and prototype testing.”

“Critically reflect on their design thinking and processes, and identify new design goals.”

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include research and talking to others. This can be seen by going on Pinterest for ideas specifically for smoothie bowls and talking to group members. Talking to group members helped me because everyone has different ideas so it can help me edit my own.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/see people on task and talking to each other while smiling. I think it is helpful when a group can have “chemistry” because then they are happy to work together and they will communicate better.

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by applying the feedback they give me. If I feel like their feedback can’t be applied right away I will communicate how I appreciate and value their feedback.

GOAL: When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know I tend to not communicate as well. I want to improve on pushing myself to get to know new people and talk to them. So eventually and progressively we can communicate better while cooking.

Favourite Recipe

Greek Week

The Final Plate

Making and Sharing Reflection

For this Greek Week recipe we had to make many elements to create a full dinner. I liked the challenge of making some things I’ve never made before while creating a food product by incorporating feedback from others. I used this when replicating the dish from the recipe and taking the feedback from Ms. Bolli by making the pan hotter. I assessed my ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively. When I worked with my partners especially hard to create the pita bread since it didn’t want to stay in a bigger circle shape but we problem solved and eventually got it to stay in a decently large circle. The final result of the plate was colourful to look at and filling to eat. In the end the dish was very cohesive which is reflective of how my group and I worked to create it.

Prompts used:

  1. Create a food product, incorporating feedback from self, others, and prototype testing.
  2. Assess their ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively, including their ability to share and maintain an efficient co-operative workspace.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in when I communicated to my group members to keep organized and complete the task at hand. This is because it was our first lab as a group and we had to communicate what we were doing since we haven’t cooked with each other before.

As an active listener, I notice that I can really work efficiently with my group when we all are communicated and listening to each other. I think I was successful with this skill as well with my group.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by complimenting them on whatever skill or task they have completed. Or I admire their work that they have done and give positive comments.

My goal is to improve on is while working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding. I will do this by asking more questions to my group members and classmates. As well as ask Ms. Bolli and do research on topics I want more clarity on.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication (Collaboration)

My Artifact: Scout Body Biography

In my Scout Body Biography project I used my collaboration skills to help me complete the project. This was a project assigned during our novel study unit, To Kill A Mockingbird. My group included Ashlyn, Sophia and myself. I demonstrated collaboration by making plans with my group members on what we planned to achieve each class. I also showed this by my group and I all working efficiently to complete the project. Our group as a whole was very good at contributing ideas as well as listening to others. In the future I hope to continue on building my collaboration skills in areas such as creativity and coming up with new ideas.

Favourite Recipe


Making and Sharing Reflection

My favourite recipe we have made so far in foods is the frittata. While making this recipe I incorporated feedback given by Ms. Bolli and group members. Tasting this dish while cooking it was good for identifying if there was enough seasoning. I also accomplished this by using different techniques to elevate the flavour. I believe this dish is one of my favourites because you can add so many different vegetables to the dish to elevate it or simplify it to ones preference. If I was to make the frittata again I would add some bell peppers and maybe some basil. Depending on the chef you could also take this dish into different cultures incorporating different ingredients.

Prompts used:

1) Create food product, incorporating feedback from self, others, and prototype testing.

2) Identify and analyze new design possibilities, including how they or others might build on their concept.

Core Competency Reflection

  • The ways I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate during family events in these ways: In foods I communicate clearly and positively. Giving lots of information and updates on what steps I’m on or completed. During family events I’m not telling people what I’m doing every moment and I talk more jokingly.
  • Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include the persons skill set, their confidence with the task and how efficiently they can complete it.
  • One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to communicate before we start cooking making sure everyone understands the steps. Also by keeping everyone organized by loosely assigning steps to complete.
  • One goal I have for myself is to try as many new foods as possible to expand my palate and see how many foods I actually like but have never heard of. I will do this by taking as many opportunities to try new foods.