Digital Footprint Final Project

Personal/Social Competency Reflection

I am aware that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative effects on my physical and mental health, such as anxiety, depression, and other issues. People learning more about you than you ever imagined possible. People have the ability to edit your posts, comments, and so on in the future, so I adjust my actions to be more positive and to think before I act, which benefits both me and others. 

My online support network is beneficial to me because they (friends, family, or actual online support) can be helpful when you are going through something, need to contact a parent in an emergency, or are struggling to beat a level on the new video game you just bought. Make sure you’re not going into something without knowing the backstory; things like getting scammed or being taken advantage of can happen. 

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships include. Texting and talking to my friends on the PS4 whenever I have the chance is one of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships. During the pandemic, staying in touch online was extremely beneficial to me. Every Sunday, my cousins in California and my grandparents in Connecticut get on a Zoom call to keep in touch with us because we can’t travel down there. 

My Revolution Flipbook

Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment?

Yes, I had a whole planning sheet laid out for this project, and it helped me a lot by just knowing what is going to write and where.

What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” American Revolution flipbook?

I used Wikipedia the most I read some books and looked back at my notes.

Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Did you use another software instead? Explain.

I used PowerPoint because I felt like it was easier to use. I was confused with the flip snack website. I think sway is more in between PowerPoint and flip snack.

Technology & Wellbeing Reflection

I think I have managed my stress well this year. technology has been a big thing in my life. when I’m bored or stressed out I go in my phone and chill and watch videos. I can use technology to help my stress, by doing some homework while I listen to music. which calms me down. technology has made me less stressed this year. my ps4 has lowered my stress levels this year. playing video games helps me to calm down.