Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

Artifact: An image of my group completing this lab

I demonstrated that I can collect and analyze evidence when I effectively performed the lab to the best of my ability, and analyzed the data gathered to draw conclusions about which feeding adaptations provided the best advantage when gathering food. 

I demonstrated that I can connect evidence I collected to big ideas when I made connections between the concept of natural selection and the lab. I observed that the feeding adaptations of the organisms are representative of natural selection, specifically variation. These feeding adaptations would affect the organism’s ability to feed, giving them either an advantage or disadvantage in the struggle for survival. Organisms that are disadvantaged would eventually die off because advantaged organisms would edge them out of the competition for food. 

I demonstrated that I can make predictions based on evidence when I predicted what would happen to each organism in each environment based on how well they did in each environment during the lab. Using the data gathered, I analyzed the feeding adaptations that were most successful, and made predictions as to what new species would develop in these environments.