Core Competency Self Assessment


The Coronavirus brochure and model created by myself and my partner

I demonstrated the Collaboration skill during this project through my work with my partner. At the beginning of our process, we divided the duties and responsibilities necessary for the creation of our model and brochure between us. I volunteered to gather the materials and keep the model at my house, and my partner offered to do some extra work on the brochure. We set a date to work on the project at my house that would work for both of us, and we also sketched out a rough draft of how the model would look. Additionally, we came to an agreement on when our respective work on the brochure should be done, and we both met this deadline. We communicated online when we had questions for each other, and I always consulted with her before making any drastic changes or decisions regarding the model. Next time, I would set aside more time for the two of us to work on the model together, as I had to finish and construct most of the model by myself. However, my partner did a fabulous job polishing and editing the brochure, so I feel that our work was about equal. 

Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

Artifact: An image of my group completing this lab

I demonstrated that I can collect and analyze evidence when I effectively performed the lab to the best of my ability, and analyzed the data gathered to draw conclusions about which feeding adaptations provided the best advantage when gathering food. 

I demonstrated that I can connect evidence I collected to big ideas when I made connections between the concept of natural selection and the lab. I observed that the feeding adaptations of the organisms are representative of natural selection, specifically variation. These feeding adaptations would affect the organism’s ability to feed, giving them either an advantage or disadvantage in the struggle for survival. Organisms that are disadvantaged would eventually die off because advantaged organisms would edge them out of the competition for food. 

I demonstrated that I can make predictions based on evidence when I predicted what would happen to each organism in each environment based on how well they did in each environment during the lab. Using the data gathered, I analyzed the feeding adaptations that were most successful, and made predictions as to what new species would develop in these environments. 

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

A screenshot of my poetry analysis of the poem “Walking Both Sides of an Invisible Border” by Alootook Ipellie

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Comprehend and Connect

During this assignment, I learned about an aspect of identity that many Indigenous people face, which is having multiple identities that conflict with one another. In this poem, the speaker struggles with the clash between his identity as an Inuit person and his upbringing in the western system. He feels as though he is being torn in half by two identities that are pulling him in separate directions. I grew in my reading and interpreting skills by practicing my ability to identify poetic devices, analyze the structure of the poem, and pull meaning from the text. I also used prior knowledge combined with some research on the poet himself to properly interpret the poem. I can take the knowledge that I have gained and use it towards reconciliation by supporting other Indigenous artists such as poets and writers so that I can broaden my perspective on issues that concern the Indigenous community.

Core Competencies Reflection


I developed my communication skills during this project by understanding and sharing information about the poet and his work and responding to questions concisely and meaningfully. My strategy for collecting relevant information about the poet was to visit several credible sources so that I could gain accurate knowledge about the poet’s backstory in order to find a deeper meaning in the poem. This allowed me to share my interpretation of the poem with proper context. Additionally, I found numerous poetic devices in the poem and explained in depth how these devices enhanced that meaning and intent of the message that the poet was trying to send.

Core Competency Self- Assessment


Chemistry 12 Quantitative Analysis lab

I developed my collaboration skills with my lab partner during this chemistry lab. When we started the lab, we divided the set up of the lab between us so that we would be more efficient. I collected the glassware and equipment needed, while my partner collected the substances that were required. While doing the lab, we split up the steps that needed to be performed for each substance, and took turns adding each chemical to the solution. When one of us made a mistake, the other would be kind and patient. We would also politely share advice when needed.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

My Trickster Response Assignment

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate: What did you learn during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills?

During this assignment, I learned about an important type of character used in Indigenous storytelling called the Trickster. I learned about the important role that the trickster plays in storytelling, as well as the lessons that this character can teach through their antics. I grew in my writing and representing skills during this assignment because I was able to communicate my thoughts and interpretations of the Trickster through a paragraph response effectively and concisely. I practiced taking my ideas that were represented in a concept map and communicating them through writing. I was also able to structure and organize my writing to emphasize the points that I wanted to highlight in my work.

Core Competencies Reflection


During this assignment, I practiced my skills in drawing conclusions and making connections based on different texts and seeing patterns in these texts that would help to support an argument. I read two different texts and listened to an oral story about Tricksters and used this information to create my interpretation of the purpose of the Trickster in storytelling, as well as the lessons that the Trickster in each story was passing on. I also created a concept map while absorbing these stories and used the map to assist me in completing my assignment. Next time I complete an assignment similar to this, I would talk to other members of my group and compare their interpretations with my own so that I can have a wider, more diverse understanding of my topic. 

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

My Poetry Collection

The final unit project for the Poetry Unit in our class was to create a Poetry Collection. This collection required three themes, each with 5 poems each. Within each theme, two poems were written by a different writer, while three poems were original poems. Additionally, an original sonnet, haiku and cinquain were added to the collection. 

I demonstrated creative thinking in this project through the writing of my original poems. When writing a poem, I first considered the theme that it was going to be part of. For example, one of my themes was “Hope”. I thought about what a person who was feeling hope might experience, and what they may be thinking of. I also used metaphors and symbols that represent hope in my poems. 

Additionally, I took inspiration from other poets. I read “Milk and Honey” by Rupi Kaur and admired the way that she created mood in her poems. When writing poems in my “Grief” section, I used shorter, halting lines in a similar style to Rupi Kaur to create a feeling of emptiness and loss.  

PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Product

I feel calm on Monday morning

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I try to take deep breaths and regulate my breathing in order to draw more oxygen into my system. Sometimes I go for a walk to get fresh air, or exercise to clear my mind. I also listen to music when I want to boost my mood. I try to listen to calm or happy music so that my brain stays relaxed, and my stress levels don’t increase. 

One of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle includes exercising regularly for at least an hour a day, so that I stay in shape and my mental health improves. Another strategy is eating healthy, nutritious foods three times a day so that I have enough energy to get through the day. My last strategy is getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night so that I can function properly the next day. 

Core Competency Reflection

I advocate for myself. 

I advocate for myself by communicating with my teacher or coaches if I have an injury that is limiting my ability to participate in class or on my team. By expressing that I have an injury, I can avoid activities that may make my injury worse or lead to new injuries.

I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior. 

I try to be respectful of my classmates and avoid using harmful or derogatory language that would put others down. When playing team sports, I make an effort to work with my teammates and pass the ball/puck so that everyone on my team has a chance to score.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share

When playing sports or participating in activities, I try my best to do my part and carry my weight on the team. One example of this was understanding my role in the plays that my team was running during the football unit.

I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning behavior. 

Even when I’m not sure about a task or activity, I participate and do the best that I can in order to improve myself. An example of this was my participation in the softball unit in PE. At the beginning of the unit I wasn’t very confident in how to play outfield, and I didn’t completely understand how the sport worked. By the end of the unit, I was able to understand where to throw the ball if I caught it, and I understood a bit more about how softball works.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Chemistry 11: Acid-Base Titration Lab Data

I demonstrated effective Critical and Reflective Thinking when completing my Acid-Base Titration lab because I was able to reflect on my steps while performing the reaction to improve the overall result, I analyzed the results of the lab to solve the purpose of the lab, and I was able to receive and consider feedback after the lab was completed. 

First, I reflected on my steps while performing the reaction by figuring out where I was making an error when the titration produced a liquid that was a shade of pink that was far too bright. My partner and I were able to conclude that the drops of base that were being added to the acid were too big, so we made sure to add smaller drops of base to the acid in our other trials. A second adjustment we made was to frequently rinse the sides of the beaker with water so that there was no base left on the glass that could interfere with the titration.  

Next, I analyzed the results of the lab to solve the purpose of the lab. Using the data gathered from the experiment, I was able to solve the lab’s problem, which was figuring out the concentration of the hydrochloric acid used. I was able to determine the concentration of the acid, while also stating sources of error that may have impacted the results of the lab. 

Lastly, I received and considered feedback after the lab was completed. While analyzing the data from the experiment, my teacher noticed that my partner and I had made a slight error in how we were reading one of the instruments. This error resulted in the two of us doing more work than was necessary. I will remember this feedback in the future so that I use this instrument accurately if I ever require it in an experiment again. 

To conclude, I demonstrated the Critical and Reflective Thinking competency by reflecting and improving on my steps during this lab, effectively analyzing data gathered to solve the problem given in the lab, and receiving and considering feedback about the lab that will help me in the future.  

English 10 Core Competency Self- Assessment

Communication through Character Exercise

My Artifact: Character Study Poster

I demonstrated my communication skills by effectively working with my partner to divide our project evenly between us, consulting my partner when I needed advice or assistance, and setting goals with my partner so that our project could be completed well.

At the beginning of the project, my partner and I read the criteria together, then separated the project evenly based on the criteria listed. Once we completed the written part of the project, we shared my pencil crayons and split the poster into manageable parts for coloring so that we would both do an equal amount of coloring.

Next, when doing the written part of the project my partner and I would occasionally run into a section of the criteria that we didn’t fully understand. When this happened, we would first talk it through to see if we could sort it out, and if we still couldn’t understand we would ask the teacher for help together.

Lastly, my partner and I consistently set goals to help our project progress. Every day we would agree on a part of the project that we wanted to complete by the end of class, and if we weren’t able to finish it we would finish the work at home. This strategy helped to keep us on track, and it even helped us finish and hand in our project early.