Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self- Assessment

Curricular Response

I used the quotation “No president, deficit, or government laws” and used a picture of a bomb and a gun. My picture represented the quotation because when I picture no government and a world with no laws, there would be chaos. No rules surrounding gun control, no crimes with be prosecuted, and citizens will believe they can get away with anything and everything.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Selecting words and creating the meanings behind it was fairly easy for me. However, it was choosing the quotations that was more difficult. I had trouble selecting quotes that i thought would best suit “my land” because i also wasn’t sure which picture to illustrate. Overall, this assignment was straightforward and i enjoyed it. Finding the meanings behind the quotes was fun because i kinda got to create my own and interpret what they actually meant.

Show and Tell Presentation Reflection and Self- Assessment

Curricular Response

I believe my biggest strength in my show and tell presentation was explaining the psychology of nightmares. I have a good understanding of the different sleep stages, when nightmares or sleep walking occurs, and the different theories behind the meaning of our dreams. I enjoyed the show and tell presentation as we could choose any topic we wanted, but something I would do differently next time would be the meanings behind specific dreams. I would like to have had more information about the “most common nightmares” and be able to explain the exact meaning of them, even though its difficult because all dreams/nightmares are different.

Core Competency Self- Assessment

I chose the topic of psychology because i am very interested in it, and i was also learning about the sleep cycle and nightmares around the time of the presentation. I am in AP psychology because for post-secondary that’s what I’m going to study. The reason i chose to do my presentation on nightmares is i knew i wanted to connect the show and tell to psychology, and i decided that researching nightmares would reach the criteria of this fear class.

I had mostly used the notes that i have from my AP psychology class which was really helpful because i knew it was accurate information. I had also researched using different psychology websites for the meaning behind specific nightmares. However, i didnt have to research too much because most of the information I had already known due to studying for psychology exams.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Should our criminal justice system be more punitive or rehabilitative? Why? 

I believe that our criminal justice system should be more punitive. Some of our criminal law charges seem like the bare minimum compared to other countries when it comes to charges such as murder, assault, drug trafficking, etc. I believe that our justice system gives offenders a better chance to receive rehabilitation compared to other justice systems.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. 

I’ve done this in different media cases we’ve learned about in class and with the case studies we were provided with in the exam.

First People’s English 11

My Writing

Core Competency Reflection

Prompt 1:

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include thoroughly rewatching certain scenes in the movie that happened in the beginning, middle and end of the movie. In this essay, I incorporated different scenes from the movie which supported my thesis in 3 different body paragraphs.

Prompt 2:

 I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is with my prior essay, I received more feedback on my work followed with a lower grade. I improved my own work by trying my best to use the feedback i had received in my last essay and made an effort into changing some mechanical and detail aspects in my writing to receive a better grade.

Prompt 3:

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is rewatching the scenes that i want to add into my writing and taking notes of details and quotes that happened in the film.


In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by contributing my ideas on the topic. This is one goal that i would like to focus on as i head into my grade 12 year. As i didn’t contribute much in this class this year, i want to work on this because it can benefit both myself and my peers.

Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Reflection

The core competency I used to complete this project is creative thinking. I used creative thinking by taking information from the article I chose and reading in between the lines and connecting it to two mental health disorders. I also incorporated my personal experience to the sport and the stress Stephanie Labbé had went through, just not to the same extent.

Social Psychology Monopoly Assignment Reflection

A core competency I used to complete the Social Psychology Monopoly assignment was Creative Thinking. I used my creative thinking to create each one of my groupings on the monopoly board and also to create my chance cards. I used creative thinking on the chance cards by building off of the example scenarios and developing my own. To create my groupings, I used the notes we were given to section them off. I also assigned each group a specific colour that I believed fit with the definitions of them.

Math 11 Foundations Stats Unit Self Assessment

Something new that I learned within the stats unit is how much clothing, technology and other big industries use stats to calculate how much of the product that is needed to make sufficient sales. I also learned a few different formulas and how to use them, and how to create a histogram.

I think I understood how to use the formulas pretty well and also how to use the percentages sheet. I also felt confident on how to use the statistics calculator.

One thing that id like to work on for next unit is coming into flex more often. Otherwise, I think the notes and workbook worked well for me.

Research Assignment Reflection

Collaborating and Communication Core Competency

While working on the psychology research assignment I used collaboration and communication in several different ways. My group and I discussed our hypothesis and agreed on one we all believed was fitting, and we all worked collectively by everyone of us equally contributing to our assignment. I also collaborated with the rest of my peers in the class through the survey and getting them to respond to our thought out questions needed for our assignment.

Core Competencies- Spanish Dialogue

My ground and i used creative thinking to come up with all the aspects in our conversation. We used our creativity to add in our idioms,transitional phrases and the necessary topics to talk about (family, sports, traits,etc).

We also used the core competency collaboration by all working well together and cooperating with each other.