Favourite Recipe

Tomato soup & Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Making and Sharing Reflection

I created a food product, incorporating feedback from self, others, and prototype testing in the process of making the tomato soup my partner and I shared. I took feedback from my partner by asking them if they liked the flavour of the soup or if there is anything extra they’d like to add, and I also incorporated feedback from myself by providing my opinion on the taste. Identify and analyze new design possibilities, including how they or others might build on their concept. I did this while making my grilled cheese by identifying different and new designs for what to put in my sandwich. This was my first time added spinach and salami to my grilled cheese and I absolutely loved it!

Core Competency Reflection

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by incorporating their positive or negative feedback into my work and cooking. I especially value my cooking partners feedback and opinion because we have to get along to be a good cooking duo, and we are eating the same foods so we need to cooperate.

Future Foods 11 Goals

A prompt that I could work on in this class is if my group is not productive, we can establish different roles, consider everyones needs and everyone needs to put in effort.

Social Justice Core Competency Self Assessment

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

I chose the Indigenous Vlog project because it showcases that I can advocate for myself. I do this by presenting my opinions and knowledge in a proper and respectful manner in assignments like these, by also considering others feelings. I also advocate for others in this project by sharing what I know on Indigenous peoples pasts and relations and also connecting it on a personal level.

Core Competency Self-Reflection


In this assignment I communicated by showing my understanding in my writing by providing evidence and backing up my points by referencing words/notes from the textbook. I communicated my understanding by putting definitions I read into my own words. My strategy for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include reading all the information on a topic and filtering out key terms, and using those key terms to write into my notes. Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposely can be seen in part B, as I relate two paired terms to one another in a easy way for the teacher to read and understand, and once again I provide evidence from the textbook.

FMPC 10- Core Competency Self Assessment

Individual work time to practice problems

Thinking emoji

Thinking CC

Topics/concepts I can offer detailed feedback or analysis include when I show my work on tests, quizzes, worksheets or homework.

Others find my feedback useful when I ask the teacher a question and I say that I don’t understand it, it can be useful to the teacher and I because other kids may be confused too and it helps me to understand what I’m working on.

I remain openminded as I explore viable options or alternatives like when I weigh the options on a multiple choice test, or when the teacher shows me a different way to do a problem then I’m used to.

English 10 Final Reflection

Create and Communicate: What did you learn during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills? 

During this assignment, I grew in my writing by learning how to write a short conflict story. I enjoyed the freedom of being able to write about anything I wanted, as long as it included a type of conflict. I also learned how to represent my learning into my writing by writing a short story, and even though it’s short, making sure it includes all the aspects needed like using the proper punctuation, proof reading and trying to use a variety of word choices.

Core Competency:

A core competency I demonstrated during the “Conflict Scenario” assignment was Creative Thinking. “I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the idea of others”, I showed this by creating my own short story by including two conflicts that we learned about in class. An example when I built off of someone else’s idea was when we were shown the conflict videos, there were videos of the Person vs Nature conflict. Therefore, I built off of that by setting my short story outside, and I added two conflicts rather than just one.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Collaborating in CLE 10

I chose the Resume assignment because we did a lot of collaborating around that. In familiar situations, I can participate with others. I participated and worked with new people and also people I was more familiar with when we were partnered up to review and edit each others resumes. I can apply this into my everyday life because when i am working with new people, its really good to be collaborative so you can get things done.

Linear and Non- Linear equations

Linear equations

2x – 3y = 12

This is a linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it’s a straight line. I can tell from the equation because there aren’t exponents

y – 3= 4 (x + 1)

This is a linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it forms a straight line. I can tell by the equation because it follows the form of our linear equation.

y = 2x (x is exponent)

This is a non-linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it’s a big curve. I can tell from the equation because it doesn’t match our forms of linear equations.

x2 + y2= 16

This is not a linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it is a circle and isnt a line. I can tell from the equation because it doesn’t match our linear form.

Self reflection

• I explored mathematical ideas using technology when I completed this assignment today on DESMOS

• I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I wrote my understanding of the graphs and equations.

• I justified my conclusions with evidence when I gave reasonings for my explanation.

FMPC 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to…

If there’s a disagreement about a question to see if we solved it right, I ask our teacher to come clarify which of the answers are correct

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see…

I know we are working well when we understand the questions we are working on, and if one of us understands and the other one doesn’t we will explain it to the other.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I…

I first introduce myself to start the conversation, ask them if they understand what we’re doing and if they don’t I explain to them.

Two people working together

Core Competency Self Assessment


A core competency that I demonstrated during the breaking stereotypes assignment was communication. ‘I can inquire into and present on topics of interest related to my studies’, I did this by choosing a specific stereotype that has affected me so it’s more valuable and I can relate to more and I researched it. I used a variety of different resources for my work and I quoted a source that relates back to my topic. I chose the stereotype that teenagers have an addiction to their phones/ social media because it interested me and I wanted to learn what made people believe that.  I supported my topic sentence with evidence that was relevant, and I gave suggestions on ways you can help your teen limit their screen time. 

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

I can interact with others and the environment respectfully and thoughtfully. I chose this picture for my artifact to represent the Career Report project presentation. When we were in our groups presenting i listened carefully to the presenter and showed interest in the occupation they chose. I also asked questions and gave them constructive feedback on what they did great on in their presentation and something they could improve on for their next presentation. I also respect the classrooms environment by not being a loud, disruptive student and having conversations before or after the teacher is explaining something to the class.