The Crucible Paper

To understand the strange behaviours of the characters in The Crucible, Kohlberg’s Moral Precepts can be used for explanation. Kohlberg has three different categories of perspectives that individuals are motivated by to act in certain ways, including pre-conventional behaviour, conventional behaviour, and post-conventional behaviour. It will be easier to achieve a better understanding of the characters once we understand the considerations and actions of each individual.

There are many examples of pre-conventional characters in The Crucible. Pre-conventional characters behave in ways to avoid punishment and obtain rewards. The first pre-conventional character to be discussed is Tituba. Reverend Parris’ threats to whip Tituba to death if she “[does] not confess”, lead to Tituba’s confession. Tituba’s desire to avoid punishment leads to this choice being mad and shows how Tituba would even lie about something that had not happened if it meant that she could escape bad consequences from happening to her. The next character who behaves in a way to avoid punishment is Abigail Williams. She accuses others of being “with the Devil” even though it is untrue so that she could get away from being punished. Since Abigail is aware she could get in trouble, she decides to guide the attention onto others before it is too late in order to steer clear of facing accountabilities. And the final example is Mary Warren. Mary is reluctant to go against Abigail as Mary claims Abigail would “kill” her for saying such things in opposition to Abigail. She chooses to play it safe by avoiding saying things that could get her in trouble with Abigail, someone with great power. From the examples provided, it is clear that many characters in The Crucible act in particular ways to avoid punishment and obtain reward.

There are many characters in The Crucible that are conventional. Conventional behaviour is when you behave in a way that suggests you want group acceptance and to fit into that group. The first conventional character to be discussed is Mary Warren. As Mary is pressured by the group of girls at court, she eventually confesses how she “heard the other girls screaming”. She seems to be influenced into feeling as though she has no other choice but to admit if she wants to belong in a group. The next character who wants a group of people to embrace him is Judge Danforth. He states that Mary will have “committed perjury” and either way will “go to jail for it”, making it transparent that he believes in the conventional standards of the court and follows its rules. He wants to fit in with the other members of the court and thus makes sure to abide by the legal system’s procedures. The final example is Elizabeth. It is apparent that Elizabeth accepts some of the responsibility for the affair her husband had when she claims that she too has “sins”. Though she feels betrayed by her husband’s affair, her desire to fit in with the larger community of Salem and conform as a wife is larger. From the examples provided, we can see that many characters are struggling to fit into a group for acceptance.

There are many post-conventional characters found in The Crucible. Postconventional characters internalize a sense of values and ethics. Those beliefs are not influenced by reward, punishment, or group acceptance. The first post-conventional character to discuss is John Proctor. He admits to having “known” Abigail to confess to his affair with her regardless of the consequences he may have to face. It is obvious that he acts this way because he no longer cares about receiving punishment/reward, but rather values saving innocent lies and being truthful. The next character who behaves in a way to reflects their values but is not influenced by reward, punishment, or group acceptance is John Hale. Although John has a powerful position in Salem as a minister, yet he finalizes his decision by saying that he “[quits] this court”. Giving up all his reputation and power for choosing to do what he believes is right is proof that John Hale is no longer affected by other factors to influence his decisions. And finally, the last character to be discussed is Giles Corey. Even while being tortured to death, Giles refuses to both plea nor deny the charge, and instead tells the people to add “more weight”. His words make it clear that he is behaving in a way that is influenced solely by his own beliefs on what he is convinced is the best decision he could make in that situation. It is evident from the examples provided, that many characters have internalized their value system and are not influenced by punishment or reward.

In conclusion, it is evident that Kohlberg’s moral precepts play a big role in helping readers understand the characters and the actions they take in The Crucible. It also demonstrates why individuals behave in particular ways when they deal with certain situations.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Describe 1 Leadership Quality you possess. Provide an example of that quality. 

A leadership quality I possess is active listening. I display this quality of mine often in VOX meetings, as I always listen to other executive and general members’ inputs. In meetings, executive members go over things that went both good and bad for certain events. Ways to improve for the future are discussed, and everyone’s inputs are uploaded onto VOX’s OneNote which I am responsible for writing every meeting.

Describe 1 Leadership Skill you possess. Provide an example of that skill.  

A leadership skill that I possess is communication. I always display this skill because I always communicate with my Cultural Connections project group and VOX Executive members in order to give my input as well as be more aware of the perspectives and ideas of other members of the team. In addition, I also make sure to give my opinions to the Social Justice/Equity Committee to make sure I am communicating my perspective the best I can to the committee as well.

Describe 1 Leadership Quality you would like to develop by the end of the course.  

A leadership quality I would like to develop by the end of the course is patience. I get easily impatient when things do not work out as planned, and I would like to become a more patient person in order to become less frustrated and make more mindful decisions. I believe it is an important quality to have when trying to understand team members more and be able to empathize with them better.

Describe 1 Leadership Skill you would like to develop by the end of the course.  

A leadership skill I would like to develop by the end of the course is risk management. I sometimes act before thinking, so I end up missing any risks that may come up. Thus, I am not that skilled in managing any risks that may come up in planned events. Risk management is a skill that would be crucial to develop, as being proficient in managing risks can lead to stressful situations being solved quicker and more efficiently.

Titration Lab


For this Titration lab, communication skills were used the most throughout the steps. On the first day of the “rough” titration lab, my partner and I were unable to complete the titration since we spent a lot of time figuring out what to do. Thanks to that first day that was unsuccessful, however, my partner and I used our communication skills in order to more efficiently get steps done so that we could complete our titrations and get the necessary recordings written and techniques shown to our science teacher to get confirmation of doing our techniques the correct way. My partner and I communicated often whenever there was anything confusing or anything to ask one another, which is how we were able to complete three proper titrations and were also able to receive the technique stamps as well.

Game Design 12 Self-Assessment

In Game Design 12, I have so far been working on making a 3D character that I chose to create in a program called Blender. At first, it had been incredibly challenging to use Blender at all, but now that I have had about 2 months of experience with it, I am much more comfortable with using the program and I have developed in my knowledge of Blender and Mesh model-making. Now that I have more experience with the course and the Blender program, if I was given the opportunity to try making my Mesh Model again, I would have chosen an easier character to build and I also would have wasted much less time at the beginning of the semester trying to figure out how the program works.

I give, receive, and act on feedback. (Communication)

I can persevere with challenging tasks. (Personal Awareness and Responsibility)

I build on others’ ideas and add new ideas of my own or combine other people’s ideas in new ways to create new things or solve straightforward problems. (Creative Thinking)

Social Justice Core Competency Self-Assessment


I believe that The Power of Narratives is the most suiting to the collaborating core competency. For this assignment, the class was separated into groups with the same stories, then again split into different groups where we discussed the similarities, differences, and summaries of the articles that were from the actual experiences of Indigenous individuals. Groups had to collaborate by respecting one another’s turn while speaking and working together to find the answers to the group questions we were given. I believe there were various areas where my group showed strength in collaborating. My group made sure to introduce ourselves to create a more comfortable atmosphere, and we made sure to summarize the stories we read while also keeping in mind the group questions we had to answer so that by the end of the shared summaries of the stories, we would be able to give a clear answer. In addition, since one person was speaking for the group, we made sure to organize what the speaker would be presenting to the class in order to properly represent what our group had discussed. However, there was an area for growth as well since I believe our group could have spent less time on summarizing the articles so that we could have more time to add to our answers to the group questions.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


My Artifact: Button Dichotomous Key

I was able to put my communication and collaboration skills to use with the button dichotomous key assignment. By working in a group with other people on this assignment, I was able to improve my collaboration skills. I made sure to make sure everybody in my group had a chance to share any ideas they had. My team also listened to other people’s ideas and gave feedback or a suggestion to make the idea better in order to improve our button dichotomous key. I would like to continue to grow in my areas of communication. Although I listened to other people’s ideas as well as shared my own ideas, I felt that there were several times I hesitated in sharing because I thought my idea was not good enough, even though it was viewed positively when it was brought up later on. As an active listener, I notice that I should stop hesitating to share my ideas to help my group in moving forward.

Where The Blood Mixes

There are many examples within the literature that illustrate the character of Mooch. Clearly, Mooch is a person that possesses both positive and negative traits to his persona. To begin, Mooch is understanding. Mooch defends the aggressive actions that his wife, June, had done to him because June was “extra sensitive due to her menapause”. Although it would have been unsurprising for Mooch to be upset at his wife’s actions, Mooch chooses to sympathize with his wife’s behaviour towards him instead. To continue, Mooch is a caring character. When Mooch’s friend, Floyd, was “passed out at the bar”, Mooch placed Floyd in between garbage bins. It may seem as though this was not the greatest idea, but Mooch’s intentions were to hide his unconscious friend to prevent Floyd from getting robbed. However, Mooch irresponsibly spends money. When Mooch ends up spending all of June’s “grocery money on another drink”, it provides insight in Mooch’s drinking problem. Mooch not only spends his money on getting drinks and pull-tabs, but he also steals June’s grocery money that she had been consistently saving up. It is evident, from the examples provided above, that Mooch is a complex person.

Core Competency Goals

How do you show that you are listening thoughtfully? In what ways does your listening contribute to your understanding?

I can show that I am listening thoughtfully by asking questions related to the topic that is being discussed or having my full attention on the presenter so that they are aware that I am not off-task or ignoring them while they are talking about a topic. My listening contributes to my understanding of topics because I would not have to spend extra time looking into the topic again, since I was paying attention the first time it had been explained in class. I would also be able re-call certain examples that were given from the teacher, and I would also spend lesser time on my assignments.

I notice when people feel left out and do this… to make sure they feel included.

When I notice that some people are excluded (whether it is unintentionally or intentionally), I like to invite them over and include them in my group so that they will not feel left out and lonely.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I like to take a break from anything that I had been doing, and I like to redirect my attention onto my hobbies for a few minutes to relax myself and get rid of some of the stress or overwhelmingness. For instance, sometimes I like to listen to a song or two for a few minutes in order to boost my mood. To re-focus, I like to put my phone away or put my full attention onto the assignment I had been working on in order to prevent myself from being distracted again.