Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Describe 1 Leadership Quality you possess. Provide an example of that quality. 

A leadership quality I possess is active listening. I display this quality of mine often in VOX meetings, as I always listen to other executive and general members’ inputs. In meetings, executive members go over things that went both good and bad for certain events. Ways to improve for the future are discussed, and everyone’s inputs are uploaded onto VOX’s OneNote which I am responsible for writing every meeting.

Describe 1 Leadership Skill you possess. Provide an example of that skill.  

A leadership skill that I possess is communication. I always display this skill because I always communicate with my Cultural Connections project group and VOX Executive members in order to give my input as well as be more aware of the perspectives and ideas of other members of the team. In addition, I also make sure to give my opinions to the Social Justice/Equity Committee to make sure I am communicating my perspective the best I can to the committee as well.

Describe 1 Leadership Quality you would like to develop by the end of the course.  

A leadership quality I would like to develop by the end of the course is patience. I get easily impatient when things do not work out as planned, and I would like to become a more patient person in order to become less frustrated and make more mindful decisions. I believe it is an important quality to have when trying to understand team members more and be able to empathize with them better.

Describe 1 Leadership Skill you would like to develop by the end of the course.  

A leadership skill I would like to develop by the end of the course is risk management. I sometimes act before thinking, so I end up missing any risks that may come up. Thus, I am not that skilled in managing any risks that may come up in planned events. Risk management is a skill that would be crucial to develop, as being proficient in managing risks can lead to stressful situations being solved quicker and more efficiently.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


My Artifact: Button Dichotomous Key

I was able to put my communication and collaboration skills to use with the button dichotomous key assignment. By working in a group with other people on this assignment, I was able to improve my collaboration skills. I made sure to make sure everybody in my group had a chance to share any ideas they had. My team also listened to other people’s ideas and gave feedback or a suggestion to make the idea better in order to improve our button dichotomous key. I would like to continue to grow in my areas of communication. Although I listened to other people’s ideas as well as shared my own ideas, I felt that there were several times I hesitated in sharing because I thought my idea was not good enough, even though it was viewed positively when it was brought up later on. As an active listener, I notice that I should stop hesitating to share my ideas to help my group in moving forward.