Huberman Lab Podcast

  1. I tend to be more interoceptive. I think I am this way because when I tried to sit down and meditate I kept getting distracted by my own thoughts and I found it challenging to focus on my breathing and things you would during while meditation.
  2. I think the most beneficial type of meditation for myself would be a focused meditation where I try my best to block out all my personal thoughts and focus on breathing and practises like that.
  3. I think the type of breathing that would be best for me during a meditation is a type of breathing where you really have to concentrate and focus. Andrew Huberman mentioned a type called box breathing where you control the pattern you breath. For example, inhale, inhale and then exhale. I think that would be best for me and it would help me focus better throughout a meditation.
  4. Andrew Huberman mentioned that before you go into a mediation you should have planned if you want to come out of it more calm or more alert. He said that to help calm you down you should focus on the exhale part of breathing. I think a type of breathing that would help calm you down would be a type where you really focus on the exhale part of your breath, maybe a shorter inhale with a longer exhale, things like that would help you calm down the best.

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