Show and Tell Presentation Reflection and Self- Assessment

Curricular Response

I believe the strengths of my show and tell was the information and the quiz I made. I thought that my information was a strength because it was well thought out and researched. The information was also important to know because there are real life problems that stereotypes contribute to. I thought my quiz was a strength because it kept the class interested and engaged in my presentation.

Next time, I would practice going over my slides a few times before presenting. This would make me feel more comfortable presenting in front of the class. I would also start my project earlier and do small parts of it everyday instead of doing it in four days.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I chose to research about horror movie cliques because I watch a lot of classic slasher movies like Scream and Halloween. I noticed that there were a lot of similarities between the characters in this type of film. This made me interested on why the characters were so similar and why that could be a negative thing.

To collect information relevant to my presentation I had to look through many different websites.. Many websites had the same information, so it was hard for me to find unique or different information about my presentation. However, I just kept searching different things and eventually a website with different information would come up.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

The Marrow Thieves essay

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate:

While working on this project I grew in my writing and representation skills. This essay made me reflect on the book as well as my writing. I don’t wrote essays often, so this helped me build a writing style that is professional as well as contains my own voice. I was able to represent the book and my own ideas. I could build upon and back up my ideas with evidence from the book. I will use the skills I build from this essay and put it towards my future assignments.

Core Competencies Reflection

Critical Thinking:

While working on this project I had to use my critical thinking to brainstorm and read between the lines of the book. I had to use critical thinking to come up with evidence that supports my essay topic. I researched evidence that supported my thesis to create a well researched essay. I will continue to use critical thinking to support my essays in the future.

Acid-Base Titration

Initial volume of the buret: 0.14±0.05mL
Final volume of the buret: 15.96±0.05mL

Curricular Competency Explanation

A titration is way to find a concentration of a unknown solution by using the concentration of a known solution. In this lab, the titration is using the known NaOH concentration to find the unknown HCl concentration. The endpoint of the titration is when the indicator changes colour. This shows that the acid-base is neutralized. The endpoint in this titration, is when the indicator is the lightest possible shade of pink for at least 30 seconds. The result of my lab were that the concentration of the HCl was 0.148M to get the lightest shade of pink.

Core Competency Reflection

In this lab, I had to use a lot of communication. I had to collaborate with my lab partner in order to complete the lab. My lab partner and I had to get the correct equipment required for the lab which needed communication. We also had to split-up the tasks to get the lab done in time. Splitting up the tasks was very helpful because we had different strengths and we could still help each other out. Communication in this lab was very important, because the amount of NaOH had to be exact and added to the HCl very carefully. We took turns adding the NaOH in, so we both got practice doing it. During this lab we not only needed to communicate with each other, but also with the teacher. We needed to ask the teacher questions in order to successfully complete the lab. In the end, we were able to complete the lab and find the concentration of HCl.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact:

A infographic of what I learned from the story “The Mountain Legend” by Jordan Wheeler

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Comprehend and Connect

While doing this assignment I grew in my reading skills. I was able to understand and comprehend the story I was reading to come up with my own ideas about the story. Doing this assignment allowed me to further connect to the story and helped me to show my understanding through writing and images. I could infer the main characters personality by clues in the story. I feel that this showed that I had a good understanding of the story.

Core Competencies Reflection

Thinking CC – Creative Thinking

I showed creative thinking in this assignment when doing the design of my poster. I had to face a challenge when I had trouble fitting all of my work into one infographic. Most of the pre-made templates do not have enough space for what I was writing. I did not realize I did not have enough room until I was almost done with my infographic. I had to use my creative thinking to re-organize my poster to fit all of my information. I decided to use a different template to fit everything well. While making the poster I got stuck because ideas were not coming to me. To help my flow of ideas I organized my thoughts to generate some ideas and put them on paper. It worked because after I did this I had plenty of ideas. Overall, my infographic allowed me to use creative thinking to design and generate ideas.

Brain Disorder Story Assignment Reflection

While doing this story board assignment I demonstrated collaboration and creative thinking. I had to collaborate with my partner while she was in Hawaii. However, it was easy to collaborate with her because she offered to FaceTime with me while she was on vacation. We split the work and each did 3 squares, but we still helped each other out. We both were able to do our part in the project with some extra work in collaborating. I used creative thinking during this project when coming up with the story. I was able to use my knowledge from doing research on the topic to create a plot for the story. When my partner went on vacation we had to think of a way to still work on the project together, so we decide to make the story online then print it out. We had to use our creative thinking to be flexible and solve the problem.

Research Assignment Reflection

Collaboration, Communication and Critical & Reflective Thinking

While doing the research assignment I demonstrated the core competencies of collaboration, communication and critical & reflective thinking.

When in a group I can be an active listener by asking questions and helping my group members out. I was to choose a topic of interest to do my research assignment on. I enjoy animals and thought it would be interesting to do a survey about them.

I was able to evenly split the work up with my group members and complete my share. I asked my other group members questions when they haven’t shared their thoughts yet. To avoid conflicts I made sure that everyone was able to do their role and helped out my group members when they needed it.

When doing this assignment I was able to take information from the survey and analyze it to confirm/deny my hypothesis. I was able to ask open-ended question in my survey to gather information for my experiment. I was able to analyze and understand the information from the survey to form my conclusion.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

In this project, I had to use a lot of creative thinking to write poems. Reading poems about a similar topic helped inspire me while coming up with ideas for my own. Sometimes I took inspiration from things around me and in nature to write my poems. My poems included the 5 senses in them to appeal to the reader and make the connect with the poem more. Researching poems and literary devices really helped me create my own poems. Doing this inspired me and also made me a better poet. When I was writing a poem it didn’t go the way I planned it to because it didn’t rhyme, but that inspired me to change it into something completely different and better. Learning about things that interest me often inspires me. For example, while doing this project I was learning about different literary devices this inspired me to write some of my poems. In conclusion, I use poems to express my creative thinking by getting inspiration.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

The artifact I chose is questions about harassment. This artifact demonstrates social awareness and responsibility by showing how I ethically interact and present myself. Writing this document shows I can respect others and I have awareness of what is going on around me. I recognize how much I can effect other people and I am able to regulate myself. An obstacle I encountered when working on this skill was trying not to get distracted myself and distract my classmates. Eventually, I was able to maintain a balance between talking to my peers and doing my work. I did this by finishing a couple questions then talking to my peers or finishing the entire assignment before talking to them. This skill is important for everyday life because it’s important to recognize the effect we have on others, the environment around us and ourselves. Being socially aware creates a better community for everyone.

Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Creative Thinking

My Artifact: Paper Quilling Bouquet

I demonstrated creative and critical thinking while doing this project by brainstorming ideas, making a draft and solving problems I faced. When I first started this project I went on Pinterest and made a board of ideas. This helped me brainstorm and create ideas for my own project while also making it unique. Using Pinterest helped me learn how to do different techniques. I formed ideas by making a draft of my project before I started, this helped me make a plan and prevented some problems. I used my critical thinking when I was short one of my colours so I used the paper cutter to make more of the colour I needed. Next time I would improve on time management to make sure I turn in my project on time while having enough time to complete it.