Musical Performance Reflection

Winter Music Concert

Winter music concert

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Some of the instrumental and musical skills I have shown success with throughout this year are choosing a different instrument to learn as well as being in both band and choir. This year, I chose to play the bass clarinet instead of sticking with the clarinet since I wanted to try something new, and the bass clarinet and clarinet were really similar in finger positions and more. I have shown success with being in both band and choir since I usually attend the days I’m supposed and if I’m unable to attend some days, I usually let the teachers know.

Some of the skills and techniques I would like to improve on would be being able to project my voice more in the choir and to be able to play the bass clarinet a bit louder since I have some trouble with that. I would try to achieve that by practicing more.

My plans with my music in the future are to continue being in choir, hopefully until I graduate. Although I don’t know what I want to become in the future, I may want to pursue something that is music related, which the music program in Centennial would be helpful since I would have experience being in choir and band.

Core competencies

I demonstrated the core competency “Communication” during the time the music students had to do a small ensemble. During that time, I demonstrated that I can work with others to achieve a goal as the group I was in was able to figure out what we were going to do, with the song, and we were able to finish on time. If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to communicate and discuss our different opinions. When the group was deciding what song we should prepare for the ensemble, we didn’t really have any songs prepared so we discussed and decided by a popularity vote, which I thought worked out pretty well since the group members were all happy with the song that was chosen.


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