AP Biology 12 Edublog

During this dissection, I expressed the skill of communication amongst not only my group mates but classmates as well. Throughout the dissection I had to communicate with my group by planning what we’d be cutting, delegating roles, and discussing why organs may be the way they are. My classmates were also intrigued about certain aspects of our specimen which we had, where we’d then have to explain either what the organ is or how it would benefit the organism. We’re also tasked with creating a presentation for the specimen which requires more communication and teamwork between myself and my group, which has so far gone quite well. Throughout the entire dissection, we had to make cuts that could completely ruin the specimen. Like removing their arms and shoulders to allow easier access towards the heart, liver, lungs and more. By thoroughly planning the removal of organs it allowed the team to work together to figure out the best scenario to achieve the best results.