
Three things that I have taken away from the presentations would be the good Samaritan act makes it so you are not responsible for the person that you are giving cpr too. this also says that you can not get in trouble if you have drugs on you at the scene of the person needing CPR. Another thing I learned was when giving CPR you need to go a third of the way down to make sure that the CPR is effective. the last thing I learned was you use your thumb while giving CPR to an infant. These are are things that I can apply to my life.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection 

I can analyze evidence to make judgements now with the knowledge I learned during the presentations.

Favorite Recipe

Chocolate Lava Cake

Making and sharing reflection

Using the knowledge from this and other recipes I learned that egg builds the structure of the cake and other baked goods. In this recipe the egg combines with the sugar to make its moist structure. One of the reasons that I am very proud of this recipe is because it was lab test. This means that I made it by myself with no help. As this was one of the first times cooking alone it had some challenges but I work through them. In the end the cake turned out well and I ate one and gave the other to a friend who birthday was the next day.

Core competency reflection

They way I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate at hockey in these ways. While in the kitchen I use a calm voice and do not yell at groupmates like I do at hockey.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by telling them thank you and complimenting their food.

I know the group is working well together when I hear them talking and communicating. Even if they are apologizing to each other mistakes are bound to happen in the kitchen when it is crowded and hectic. If they are talking they should be on the same page.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when I talk to groupmates during the labs. When im talking to them we are all on the same page and have a job to do.

English 12 writing : self reflection

Curricular Response

something that I did well of this paragraph is the pruning. This was one ,of my first time doing this and I think I did well. I may have over done it in some part but over all I think it made my writing more clear and concise. One of the weaknesses I think I have might be over doing the pruning. I feel like I took out some good words that were not necessary for the grammar but would have helped with a strong argument. However when writing normally I do not think that I prune enough. So one thing I would like to improve on for the future is pruning more often.

Core Competency Reflection

While writing on paper I sometimes find it hard to write more formal rather than writing on a computer. I find that Writing on a computer is more enjoyable than writing on paper. I feel i can write faster and if I make a mistake I can easily fix it. I do not really write outside of school, However I sometimes write formal emails for work and to people.

Life saving measures

I learned lots of things from these presentations. I learned how to see if people are on drugs and the dangers with using substances. In the naloxone presentation I learned that naloxone can save peoples lives and stop an over dose. In this presentation I also learned that people did not choose to be addicted to drugs. In CPR presentation I learned again how to give CPR. In this presentation I learned about an act that protects you from getting in trouble if you hurt the person you are trying to help.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I used critical thinking when i was practicing CPR on the dummy. I had to push down on the dummy in a pattern. and a certain way to make my effort effective.

Earth Science 11 Reflection

I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration evidenced by the time when my group was doing a project in class and we each took a different part of the project and worked on it. we also shared idea on what to do with the project.

If there is a disagreement within the group I find it best too take a break from the work. then later come back to the work refreshed. I would also split the group work and work on separate parts on our own.

when the group is not working efficiently I find it helpful to assign different parts. give smaller portions to some of the group members who are not pulling their weight. I find that doing this starts to get the ball rolling again.

Life Saving Measures

during the last 3 presentations I learned that there is a act that exempts you from getting in trouble for having drugs. In the naloxone presentation it said if you have drugs on you and you are on the scene of a over dose you can not be charged for having drugs on you. during the second presentation I learned that vapes can blow up. vapes have a battery in them that can blow up at any moment. during the first presentation about CPR I learned that you no longer have to give breaths to the person on the ground. These presentations have shown me how to save somebody`s life and I can keep myself safe.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence and make judgments to keep myself safe by not doing drugs of vaping. I can also do CPR and keep others safe too.

Comparative Cultures Mid-Term Assessment


Above is a presentation on Babylonia. I did this presentation with three other group members. I had the work well and plan who was doing what and make sure they were on track with things. We all worked together and made sure we had lots of information to show while presenting. While presenting we had to make sure that everyone knew what part they were presenting and how to pronounce complex words and names from Babylonia.During the assignment while identifying the causes and consequences I think I had a bit of a harder time identifying some on the causes. While identifying the consequences I think that I was proficient in finding lots of examples of consequences

Where The Blood Mixes Literary Paragraph

               There are many examples in the story that show what kind of a person Mooch is. Mooch is a very complex character and demonstrates all kinds of different personal traits. To begin One of these traits that he shows is that he can be a bit of a mooch sometimes and He shows this when he says “ill pitch in with the next one”. He says this after he says he would pitch in with the first one, but Floyd ends up buying Mooch a beer this time. Floyd knows that mooch is probably not going to pitch in with the next one. Mooch always does this, and its this kind of thing that gave mooch his nickname. This may be a bad thing but Mooch is also a good person. He shows this characteristic when he says “of course not!”. Mooch says this after Floyd asked him if he hit his wife. Mooch’s wife June beat him up badly and he did not fight back. This shows that he is a non violent person which is a good thing. Lastly Mooch is very immature. He demonstrates this when he would “[want to] arm wrestle for [the fishing spot]?”. This is an example of the maturity of mooch. Mooch also settles another disagreement later on with a bar fight. Mooch also has lots of bad habits such as drinking and gambling. Another immature thing that mooch will constantly do is steal from his girlfriend to but pull tabs and beer. Overall mooch has a very diverse personality, with some traits being good and some not so much.

Social Studies 10 Reflection

Socials Refection

This year I think that I did very well doing the on the world war one trench letter. I thought this because I got a 19\20 on it. I also think that I wrote it very well and it was realistic. while writing this I figured out how nice my life is and how free Canada because of the soldiers that sacrificed themselves on the battle field.

letter from the trenches.docx

I can get work done to a good level

I can put effort into assignments

I can write a letter from a perspective different than mine

I can come up with good ideas that fit into the project and work well with the project