Core Competency Self-Assessment


Critical and Reflective Thinking & Creative thinking


Core Competency“I can” statementReflection
Thinking  I can get new ideas or build upon the ideas of others to create new things within the constraints of form or material. -I can get new ideas to create new things – I can use my imagination to get new ideas of my own – I can usually make ideas work within the constraints of a given form, problem, or material of I keep playing with themI developed two key elements in the testing for acids and bases activity. First, I incorporated a new technique for applying science lab actions to learn that Acids react with active metals and that bases do not typically react with metals in this way.            Then, I broke a belief I used to have, thinking that only great scientists can observe reactions and that you need particular substances. However, using any solution (e.g., vinegar, pop, or other ingredients) helped me observe the reactions of acids and bases. The steps and materials we used taught me that we can be creative if we understand basic meanings.   Additionally, this was my favourite among all the lab experiments we conducted during the semester in class, allowing me to incorporate it into the theoretical assignments.