Chemistry 11 Core Competency Reflection

What this lab is about?

In this lab we were finding the molarity of the unknown acid by using titration to do multiple trials to use calculations to find the molarity.

Core Competency

In this chemistry lab i have showed that, I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; i do my share. This was showed by me during the lab when we were setting up our equipment for the lab, i did my part by grabbing the base and acids we needed (NaOH and HCL), stirring around the solution to get the right amount of pink color (a very light shade of pink shown above) switching with my partner to add the bases into the acid, and cleaning up the dirty equipment after we finished using it.

The Outside Circle: Personal Connection Piece

My Movie

Curricular Competency Reflection

A. It provided me with how people who are born indigenous or come from indigenous descent have been wrongly treated in the past. And it made me realize how much we have improved from our racist and discriminating pasts, while there are still major incidents that have been happening, ie “red dress day” which is for murdered indigenous woman. We are a lot more active in fighting for indigenous rights and at the rate we are going it should be even better in the future.

B. I learned different traditional indigenous ceremonies through reading my book, and also the fact of roles that indigenous people had back before the British came to North America. Like men were the hunter and gatherers and woman were their to take care of the children and village. The Traditional ceremony that was used a lot in the story was a smelling ceremony of burning a special grass to calm your senses and a pipe ceremony that did a similar thing.

C. I think it is to important read books from indigenous and other cultures because the experiences they might have had in their respective cultures can branch into their writing. so that people from all over the world can learn more of another culture through reading a book which supports the author and the culture overall.

D. I Would recommend this novel to anyone who is interested in the conflicts surrounding drug addiction, gang violence and the importance of learning ones culture, it deals with a lot about indigenous problems facing racism and stereotypes. And it is also good for people who want to learn more about these topics, but also don’t have the patience to read a normal novel or want pictures to help understand to tone of the story or the emotions of the characters.

This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences: I select images from the words i choose, I look for the images that best find the describing details of the words so that the image i choose is what you would picture in your mind. For the words i try to find words that sound powerful and can start to create that sense of imagery in one of the five senses.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by: I help to extend and build understanding from listen to others talk and comparing the points they have to main and choosing certain things to say that match with someone other ideas. when i am going first i try to pick points that are easy to connect to and something that other people can relate to since it makes the flow of conversation start easier.

Transforming Parabolas

Graph A: Quadratic Parent Function (Red)

Graph B: Opens Up And Winder (Blue)

Graph C: Opens Down And Is More Narrow (Green)

Graph D: Shifted Up (Purple)

Graph E: Shifted Down (Black)

The significance of A,H,K had a big role in my equations in my purple, red, blue, black. A was the one who made my parabolas wider or more narrow and if i placed a negative on the A it was also responsible for turning it upside down. H was important in my purple and block equations since it was responsible for shifting my parabolas, left or right along the x axis by making the H negative it shifted to the left and by making it positive it shifted to the right and lastly for K it affected my purple and black equations by moving the graph up or down from the original parent functions.

  1. I demonstrated the same mathematical equation in different ways by showing the i can graph it but also find the and write the equation for the parabolas and its different parts.
  2. The parent function Y=x^2, Vertex which is the point that the graph is at its highest or lowest, Domain and range which are how far the graph goes on the x and y axis, mid point formula (x1+x2 /2) which gives us our axis of symmetry. The x and y intercepts which are found by replacing the x or y for 0 and solving for the other one, this shows us where on the x and y axis the parabola goes through.
  3. i listed the vertexes all separated from each other and also put different colours for each graph to distinguish it easier and for the vocabulary i tried to explain in the simplest way possible while getting the point across.

Reviewing Chapter 1: Factoring & Radicals

The part of chapter 1 that I am most comfortable with is factoring I think it is the easiest to do for me overall since there are many ways to make the questions easier (perfect squares , difference of squares ,GCF and LCM)

The most difficult part of chapter one for me was solving while radical equations I think I have the basics down but sometimes when solving I do some wrong steps and I mess up the whole equation .

I usually learn new material best when I am working with a group of people who are on a similar level with me since we can all work together to understand when we are struggling.

I plan to prepare for the unit test by doing the chapter 1.8 review the workbook and some extra questions for the actual workbook chapters.

I have already done all the math practice worksheets as well as all the workbook questions that were assigned.

The statement to me means that even when faced with challenges that might be difficult for me at the time I can alter my learning and attitude toward those problems to solve them to the best of my ability with full explanations.

Food Studies Core Competency Self Assignment

Critical And Reflexive Thinking

I demonstrated my critical and reflexive thinking in this lab by exploring outside of what i know about sushi normally and expanding upon that by judging this on its own before comparing it to other sushi i have had. I was able to ask myself questions about what made this different and also similar to other sushi i have had, while being able to judge if i liked it or if i didn’t. I also used what i have previously learned working as a sushi chef to make my roll and compare to what i made in restaurant and explore the different flavors.

Foods Core Competency

This was during my Mac and cheese foods lab I’m proud of how well me and my group worked together during the lab itself and how much effort I put in on completely the lab questions on our recipes.


I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.

I showed this in many of my food labs but I personally think I did it the most in the Mac and cheese lab in my work book. it has the most information written into it and I felt like I went more in depth for the questions on the back. but other then that I felt like me and my groups communication was on point and we were very organized and everyone was talking and it helped us connect and finish all of our tasks on time.

Comic Strip Spanish 10 Reflection

Comic Strip Reflection- Creative Thinking

I can form new ideas to create new things i can also build on the ideas of others. While i didn’t work with someone else i still built on my ideas to create and present a whole comic strip conveying my ideas to readers.

I can develop a body of creative work overtime. I showed this by taking my script of words and turning it into photos that can be used to help tell my story.

I can persevere over time to develop my ideas and i expect setbacks and failure but use that to develop my ideas. I showed this while i didn’t include it, over time i showed how i changed my script on my rough drafts so i could find a proper script for the conditions.