I can prevent some school-related stress by hanging out with my friends doing something that isnt school related with them, or i can also play games online and i also like to cook and bake whenever i feel stressed.
When I am feeling anxious about a test, I can calm myself by reviewing the material as much as i can with friends or myself better prepare for it. I also like to do breathing exercises to calm my nerves before a test and think about how free i will feel after its done.
When I am feeling down about school, I remind myself that while school is important i have other things that can cheer me up as well such as my friends or other hobbies that i have. I try to remind myself that their will be more opportunities to do better in a class throughout the year i just need to try harder and study more.
Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include going to the gym and going on runs help me stay fit physically and runs are calming for me mentally too. I like to read from time to time or go to libraries since they are a nice quiet space where i can do what i want.