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Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques
The Lamborghini Company should be benefiting from this Commercial since it’s supposed to pull people in to buy their cars.
The target audience is most likely car enthusiasts or young people who like slick and fast cars.
Since there is only positive information on the poster the company obviously wants people to buy and use their cars.
The poster is using logical persuasion as there are statistics on it to show how well it performs.
This is a straightforward ad because it just lists things about the car
On the poster, it lists specifications of the car like its acceleration speed and its top speed.
So overall, the presentation from the poster is very straight to the point and shows you most things that you would need to know about the product before buying.
Core Competencies
I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. Like how my slides in the presentation were clean, organized and straight to the point
I can work with others to achieve a goal. Like how I was able to work together with my group to be able to create a presentation where all of us would have a part in.
I find it easy to be part of a group. When having multiple people in a group it makes things easier to finish because everyone has a part to play when heading towards a goal.
I can reflect on my thinking. Reflecting to thinking is really making me think about the project and how its going to turn out.