Meal planning assignment


This family has a busy schedule; this causes them to come home at various times and makes it challenging to have a dinner schedule.


 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Recipe Grilled cheese sandwich Chicken pot pie Canned tuna pasta  Spaghetti & Meatballs  Black bean tacos  
Portion of recipe Doubled recipe (4 servings  Full 2 servings with 2 serving leftovers from Tuesday cook time is 15min Full    (Teen 2)- full   Make at 5:45 
Cook Parent B Parent A Teen 2 Teen 1 and Teen 2 Teen 2 
Dinner time 5:50 or later 10 min to eat 6:30- half hour to eat 6:00 5:35 Dinner at 6:00 



On Monday parent B will cook grilled cheese sandwiches. They will have to make 2 of the 2 servings to have enough for everyone.  


On Tuesday “Parent A” comes home at 5 pm and starts cooking chicken pot pie. Chicken pot pie makes 6 servings and takes an hour and a half to prepare. Dinner will be ready by 6:30, this gives the family 1 hour to eat dinner. The 2 leftover meals will be eaten for dinner the following day.  


On Wednesday teen 2 comes at 5:30 pm and start cooking Canned tuna pasta they are making 2 serving and it takes 15 minutes to cook, and dinner will be ready at 6:00.  

2 meals are covered from the leftovers from the day before. 


On Thursday teen 1 comes home from school at 3:30, Teen 1 starts to cook Spaghetti & Meatballs at 4:30 which will take just an hour to make, and everyone is home by 5:30. Dinner time is at 5:35 as everything will be set up to eat. 


On Friday Teen 2 will cook black bean tacos for dinner. This is a good choice because then teen 2 can cook on their own at some point in the week. This also allows teen 2 to cook with their sibling the day before. Teen 2 will start making dinner at 5:45 do then the tacos are ready for 6 when parent A gets home.  


Link for picture chicken pot pie picture click here 

wednesdays meal  

thursday meal and picture 

Collaboration Reflection

  • We as a group used word to commuinicate our thoughts and share information
  • we used techology by making a word document, using our phones and laptops too look things up, make edublogs etc.
  • we decided to distribute tasks by day so I got monday, Brianna got Tuesday, Aryam got Wednesday, Ava got Thursday and we all contribted to Friday.
  • I completed my day and found a recipe, the portion and chose a person to cook.

Self Assessment

  • If there was a disagreement within the group i would help by talking it over and finding a solution that works for everyone.
  • When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try too start a conversation and get to know my group members.
  • I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is i did the tasks i was given
  • If I notice something that i or someone else does not understand, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by asking ms cho or ms lam for help or ask our peers for help with whatever we dont understand.

Meal planning assignment


The family needs a meal plan that works for the four of them.


Family members MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Parent A
Parent B
Teen 1
Teen 2
Parent A cooks
Tomato n cheese pasta  
2 servings (double recipe)
Dinner at 6pm
Teen 1 cooks
Ginger glazed salmon  
4 servings 
 dinner at 3:50 
Parent B cooks
Seafood fried rice  
4 servings  
(Whole recipe) 
Dinner at 6 
Teen 2 cooks
Salmon rice bowl 
1 serving (times 4 to make 4servings) 
Parent B cooks
Chicken pad Thai  
3-4 servings 
(Whole recipe)  
Dinner at 6 


Mondays meal plan will work because Parent A is comfortable cooking anything and the time it takes to cook tomato n cheese pasta is good timing for when parent B needs to leave for there fitness class at 7pm.

Tuesdays meal plan works because teen 1 is comfortable cooking anything and the ginger glazed salmon is a quick easy meal for after school and works for everyone’s schedule’s. it doesn’t interfere with teen 2s soccer practice at 6:30pm.

Wednesdays meal plan works because parent B is comfortable cooking anything and Wednesday nobody has anything in the evening. parent B gets home at 5:30pm

Thursdays meal plan works because there are no evening activities so it works for the family.

Fridays meal plan works because parent B is comfortable cooking anything and the time it is done (6) works for parent A, parent B and teen 2. teen 1 has a part time job and gets home at 9:30pm they can heat up leftover food from earlier.


Chicken pad Thai:  

Seafood fried rice:  

Chicken piccata pasta toss: Chicken Piccata Pasta Toss Recipe | Rachael Ray | Food Network

Beef and Brocoli: Easy Instant Pot Beef and Broccoli [Video] – Mommy’s Home Cooking – Easy & Delicious Eggless Recipes ( 

Cheese n tomato pasta: 

Glazed salmon : Ginger-Glazed Salmon | Ms. Lam’s Edublog ( 

Collaboration Reflection

Me and my group members each talked and shared ideas and we gave everyone assignments for things to look for/things to do.

We made a shared word doc and put in the information, schedule, meal plan, etc.

We each wanted to do something and did it but made sure that it was ok with the group. for example we each got assigned a day and had to find a meal and put the information (servings, time, etc.) into the table in the shared word doc.

I made the tables and added some information. I helped problem solve with my group and I contributed my ideas and thoughts into the meal plan we made.