Research Unit Reflection

I enjoyed that we were given a large selections of ideas and topics to choose from of what we are interested in. And not a small set of options that we have to stick to that some may not find interest in or not passionate towards the topic. I also enjoyed that we spent time researching in the library on our laptops.

What I find difficult was finding information since there wasn’t a lot that was useful to me nor it fits to my topic. Also, I didn’t have the motivation or passion for this project, which most of the time leaving me to procrastinate. Like I did on this project.(I’m trying to fix that habit) To add to that, citations were very difficult. because of all the many rules you need to have and can’t break.

I recommend not asking me for help but if i were to help someone, i would ask them to read the handouts and ask someone else for help. But i can teach them some few pointers about citations and where to find information. Other than that, I would probably end up giving the person false information since i don’t know too much myself.

What i learned during this project was have to cite my information in MLA format, have to find good information with the online databases, and have to write research papers properly. The information i learnt during this project was very useful and will help me out alot in the long run.