My Tribute Costume

A little about me.

Well I’m a quiet, lazy, and kind person. My 2nd language is Vietnamese, although i can only speak a few words, i can understand almost anything the person is saying. I like to relax in my free time by playing games, sleeping, or I’ll find something to do to pass time.I enjoy some sports like badminton and swimming, though i kind of suck at it. I have a little sister who’s quite annoying and two careful parents. Sometimes during the weekends, I go out and swim for fun with my family and friends. During the Sundays, I’ll be forced to go out with my family to have “fun”, with them., and it which ruins my day off.

My Costume consist of a M65 jacket, waterproof pants, tactical boots, and winter gloves.

Skills that will help me in the hunger games-

I don’t really have any special and unique skills, but i can endure being on a empty stomach for a reasonable amount of time. And my small size can help me with mobility and enemies will have a hard time getting a hold of me.


Question 1: What is innovative about your visual representation?

Well i wanted to make a costume that is more based on helping me survive, so i picked a simple and effective costume.

Question 2: How did you generate and develop your ideas while working on this project?

I checked every clothing option and i wanted to make a costume that is useful in survival and non fancy looking. This is the final result that i’m happy with.

Question 3: What did you enjoy about your visual representation?

I enjoyed testing and fooling around with the character creator making ridiculous avatars with my peers. At the end, i chose to pick things that i like and will benefit me in survival.

Question 4: What would you improve on for next time?

I think i should work and improve on my paragraph, since i forgot until the last day, and had more homework piled up.

Question 5: What did you learn about your creative ability during this process?

My creative abilities are very weak, that resulted with me thinking very hard, unless i had some time to think. In this assignment i got inspired by my peers and created this tribute costume. So, i learned that my creative abilities needs some improvement.