・How I studied Japanese this semester
I took notes during class, and if I did not know how to do things I asked sensei.
I took Gakken classes to learn Japanese every week, and I used class time to research words I did not understand. One thing I did to try to keep my ability to pronounce Japanese intact was reading the questions and writing on the worksheets in out loud Japanese.

・What you did well and how you can improve your Japanese study habits (min 2 sentences)
I think I can do better with keeping track of what assignments are there, because when I was given the sheet that tells you what assignments you are missing (not handed in.) There was so many more assignments I had not turned in than I thought. I think I did well on the tests and memorizing the vocabulary.
(Core competences)
・An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is…
I have been learning Japanese since I was 2 years old, but I still have so much more to get better at! I remember learning to write hiragana in a Japanese children’s language class. I like learning new Japanese words because of the way it makes me feel like I gained another word that will allow me to express my feelings and thoughts more like I think and feel them; I learn new words that “fit” my feelings more and it helps me be able to communicate in a way that is easier to understand.
・To celebrate an accomplishment such as ____, I …
To celebrate accomplishments like finishing all of my assignments and having none overdue (something that happens very very rarely) I usually tell this to Rinu in his Dms and send longer messages to him. (which he does not read/cannot read because of how many 86 thousand followers do so) Which I usually do not have the time, energy or focus to do, and it usually makes me feel really happy because he is the person I want to share my thoughts with most. (Though it is a 1 way thought, it makes me feel happy so that’s okay.) I also take time to watch videos from him and his group, and look at his Tweets which I did not have time to look at before (he tweets everyday) I also like writing stories in my spare time, though I usually do not get to have free time long enough to do so. The celebrating will be done as I have other Japanese studies as well as schoolwork and chores to be done as well.
・Some short/ long term goals for myself include… and my plan to achieve them is… (include where you might seek help from others)
One long, this year term goal for myself with Japanese learning are getting qualification for JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) passing the N2 level test. I will study with the booklet (I will ask my parents to buy it for me online because I will try hard and not waste the opportunity to challenge myself. I will ask help from my mother to help me learn, I am recently having a hard time reading Japanese properly so she listens to me read and corrects me when I read or pronounce words wrong.
・How will you continue your Japanese language acquisition over the year? (min 1 sentence)
I will continue learning Japanese on my own and with my workbooks, next year I want to challenge the Japanese course (at this school) and try to finish the next 3 years worth of class with the test. I also want to study for the JLPT test. (I wrote more about it above.) I also want to be able to help people with Japanese, so I maybe I could be a pure tutor. But the thing is I am not really good at explaining Japanese concepts in English, so it would be good practice for me as well.
・If you could travel back in time, what study/language advice would you give yourself or others? (min 2 sentences)
If I could travel back in time, I would tell myself to read more. I really need to be able to read, and my reading skills are terrible having more practice would have helped. When reading in my head, and when reading out loud. When reading out loud, my mom often tells me that I pronounced a word or was reading it wrong, and I never knew because I read it like that in my head so it stayed like that and now I have it memorized as the wrong way of reading.
Thank you for reading, and thank you Illing Sensei for treating me so kindly!