My Grade 9 Year
This year felt like the longest year ever but flew by so fast at the same time.
At the beginning of the year, I was scared but still a little bit excited and wondered what high school would have in store for me. Thinking now, I had very unrealistic expectations about what high school would be like, and I dreamed that once I would be there I would have so much fun with my cool friends and learn lots of new things; and maybe even finally know where I wanted to go with my life. I know it is only my first year, but I really feel like I got my whole life’s worth of energy drained from me this year. I had so many problems finishing my work that I never had before, and more stress with due dates and having to manage all the classes and the different work each had (Because all the subjects are separate classes unlike middle school.) I was able to get out of bad relationships I had to deal with when I was in middle school, but from there I had a hard time starting up new relationships; I was too scared to. No relationships would have to go wrong if it never started.
Overall, this year I learned that it is not good to keep stress bottled up for so long, because it will hurt you more when the bottle explodes.
・My Favorite Website
Spotify is my favorite website. Listening to music helps me focus on my work, because it drowns out any sounds that are distracting to my work. I used to use YouTube but I prefer Spotify because Spotify does not have videos and has only music (podcasts) while YouTube has videos as well, and when I see them I might start watching them or want to watch the videos, which would distract me and lead to not finishing work.
・My Favorite Video
In English class, we watched a movie called The Matrix. I thought the movie was interesting, and concepts that were explored through the movie were worth considering. This is the trailer video for the movie ↓
・My favorite Image
This is my favorite image, and I have it set as my phone background and keyboard so I can see it all the time. This says “It will be okay” in Japanese. An influencer I admire wrote this; the image is a screenshot from the video in which they were giving their fans an encouraging message. It many sound stupid, but when I feel really anxious or scared when I am at school, I look at this and take a breath to calm myself down a little bit. It helped me through the school year.

・My Favorite Quote
・My Favorite Quote
“If it makes you happy it’s never a waste of time”
・Works sited
“Spotify – Web Player: Music for Everyone.” Spotify, Accessed 2 May 2023.
The Matrix (1999) Official Trailer #1 – Sci-Fi Action Movie., Accessed 4 May 2023.
25 Uplifting Quotes And Positive Sayings To Boost Your Day. 23 Mar. 2021,