About me

Hello my name is Jayden Carter and I attend Centennial in grade 9, I’m13 years old and I have ADHD but that doesn’t stop me from trying other things like normal people I also learned how to sleep with my eyes open and I can make semi-dreams when I am awake. I had multiple YouTube channels my most successful one was Deadly Cube. Some of my favorite video games are Ark survival evolved, Rocket League and Minecraft. After school I usually take the bus but sometimes I will walk to my middle school to see my friends who are coming here next year and to see my old teachers. I also know how to kind of replay memories in my head its like dreaming but harder. I get most of my confidence from my friends and family. I have 3 siblings and they are all sisters one is graduated and drives a Kia ( No one buys Kia souls.) my other one is in middle school and my youngest is 3 years old so she attends daycare. I have a cat.

Image result for mouse with ear on back
This picture inspires me because it shows people their mistakes and not to remake them and then they learn from their mistakes so they do not repeat it. Like me I have made many mistakes in my life and I learn from them time to time I will repeat them then I will not for a long time My most mistake is thinking I see someone I know then I say their name then they do not answer.

mouse.jpg (2500×1554) (newsweek.com)

My dream job is to become a pilot or a car mechanic in LA.

I want my first car to be the one on the bottom and i might buy the Miata then the Koenigsegg Jesko is my dream car

800px-Koenigsegg_Jesko,_GIMS_2019,_Le_Grand-Saconnex_(GIMS1045).jpg (800×450) (wikimedia.org)

This is the other one

Miata. I like cars https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.IDL0SInYn-F-ZgPaby3KGAHaFs?w=207&h=180&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7
Acura tlx type S https://gtspirit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Acura-TLX-Type-S-Specs.jpg

Since I have ADHD its hard for me to learn quicker than normal people at school but when I work I learn fast. also a lot of people don’t understand the difference between ADHD and autism I get called Autistic and I hate it its also really offensive. Also Its hard for me just to do stuff. And a lot of people think people who have ADHD, Autism and other disabilities can’t do things normal people can but the thing is no one is normal. also some people think I won’t even graduate since of ADHD. if I don’t get the job as a pilot I would work as a mechanic here until I can move to LA or somewhere in the US.

Quote: “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

this is my favorite video because I edited it yes yes

BEST VIDEO NEVER – dababy – YouTube

This is the end of my blog I hope you enjoyed
