Physics 11 Core- Competency Reflection

Artifact: Two mini labs on friction

I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. During the work of these two labs, my partner and I divided tasks because it was a lot for one person to complete the whole thing. For example, I recorded the data and wrote the conclusion while my partner did the calculations and the purpose. By distributing the work, we were able to have a reasonable amount of work for our parts while asking questions if we were unclear about something. For some parts, I even finished my partner’s parts if she was unable to complete them on time as well. By taking responsibility for my work, I demonstrated that I take on roles and do my share in partner/group projects.

Music Monday

Reflect on how these songs contribute to making the community or natural world a better place and identify how the lyrics’ actions call others to action and can work to make positive change. 

  • The songs bring attention to important issues. Leanne Simpson’s work often addresses Indigenous culture and environmental concerns, which can help educate and raise awareness about these issues. “Caribou Ghosts & Untold Stories” brings attention to the difficulties of caribou populations or the importance of preserving Indigenous knowledge and traditions.

How do these songs represent that something is unfair? What is that “something”? Explain.

  • In Leanne Simpson’s songs, she expresses the unfair treatment of Indigenous communities and the impact of environmental degradation on these communities and the natural world. In the case of “Wreck Beach” by The Zolas, the specific lyrics of the song may not directly address issues of unfairness, but the song is open to interpretation.

What emotions do these songs generate for you? Compare your emotions between each song.

  • “Wreck Beach” evokes feelings of nostalgia, relaxation, and a sense of connection to nature and the beach. This song might also bring a sense of carefree enjoyment and appreciation for the simple pleasures of life, such as spending time at the beach. The song “Caribou Ghosts & Untold Stories” emits emotions from a tragic event, where the victims are suffering but cannot fully express them due to their circumstances.

What is important to each of the singers? What is the message they are trying to convey?

  • Simpson emphasizes the importance of recognizing and respecting the rights of Indigenous communities, and the cultural preservation of Indigenous languages and traditions, which are central themes in her music. The Zolas’ music tends to focus on personal and emotional themes and nostalgia. In “Wreck Beach,” they convey a message of appreciating life’s little pleasures.

Using one of your similarities and differences (not the example one given), discuss in a short paragraph (6-10 sentences) how music can convey different perspectives on the same cause.

  • Similarity: Both Leanne Simpson and The Zolas use their music to convey a sense of connection to the natural world, although they do so in different ways. Leanne Simpson’s music often highlights the deep connection between Indigenous communities and the environment. The Zolas, on the other hand, give a sense of connection to nature in a more universal and relatable way, celebrating the joys of spending time at the beach in their song “Wreck Beach.” Their message encourages listeners to appreciate and connect with nature in a simpler and more personal manner.
  • Difference: The main difference is in the depth and focus of their messages. Leanne Simpson’s perspective is deeply connected with Indigenous culture and its profound relationship with the environment. The Zolas, while also connecting to nature, convey a more general and immediate sense of enjoyment and nostalgia. Their perspective is more about personal experiences they feel.

Economics 12 Core Competency

My strengths as Learner and how I learn the best:

My strength as a learner is that learning only one part of a lesson can help me connect to other aspects of the next few lessons, and have more information on the concept. I usually learn best visually and when I get real-life examples that further support the economic theory of supply and demand subject. When I felt confused, I tried to have a better understanding of the previous lessons so that doing so may help increase my knowledge of the current subject we’re on. However, if that doesn’t work, I’d ask those around me to help me with the matter.

Yearbook Core Competency

I work with others to achieve a common goal and can evaluate our group processes and results. I’ve worked with others to achieve a common goal by taking necessary pictures for the yearbook with others and working together to create each pages as well. When others ask about my opinion and feedback on the layout of their page of the yearbook, I gave them my honest constructive critique, and I have made sure that my message can be understood as helpful, rather than hurtful. Working all together to achieve a common goal has also helped me with better problem solving skills as well, such as when everyone was confused on how to use the website to design the yearbook, but by asking each other for help, we improved and understood quickly on how to use the new program.

Photography 11/12 Core Competency

I deliberately learn a lot about something by doing research or talking to others, so that I can generate new ideas about it, and the ideas often seem to just pop into my head.

For our Product and Toy Photography project, I have demonstrated building on other’s ideas to create my own by researching potential photographic shots and layout ideas for this project, and adding my own artistic features whilst setting up the props to take the photo. In the beginning of planning, I have struggled coming up with an idea of what product to take photos of, so by doing research and finding other’s work published online has also helped me to give me an idea of the angle and background to choose and asking those around me for suggestions have helped my develop an idea. While using photoshop for digital manipulation of the photo, I’ve asked feedbacks on which areas might need improve on so that I can make changes to some lighting.

About me

My bio

Hello my name is Amy, and I am a grade 9 student in centennial. I spend most of my time procrastinating.. I can focus best when I am listening to music so that I don’t think about other stuff due to boredom, but I actually get entertained pretty easily. Some of my favourite music artists are Ellise, Juice wrld and Iann Dior. My hobbies include editing, video games, learning a new program and possibly just browsing through social media. I am currently trying to learn how to do graphic designing on my own. I’m not a very extroverted person and would rather do things alone, but I am open to meeting new people. These are some brief things about me.

Fav Website

All kind of different things you can watch on youtube.

Fav Video

This may not be my favourate video ever, but I enjoy watching it because its aesthetic and maybe even calming.

Fav picture

I chose this picture because I thought it was funny


“There’s nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.”

― Bob Ross

I chose this quote because Bob Ross’s words are very wholesome.
