The Importance of Feedback

My Logo

Reflection on competencies and content

An important part of Testing a product is using feedback to make changes and improve a product or service. This is because if you want to know how other will view your work, the best way is to ask for feedback. I got feedback on my logo and answered questions about it in the Marketing and Promotion 11 teams. It is also important to give feedback on other peoples works. Giving feedback effectively can be done with the T.A.G. method. The T.A.G. method is to T- tell what you liked about it, A- ask a question, and G- give a suggestion or constructive criticism. This method allows one to effectively give proper feedback to work well.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.

This “I can” statement from the Communications Competency applies to me because I gave feedback about others logos in a clear, organized way.